More Mutations Than an X-Man! Ideas/Things to Avoid?

Hello everyone - thanks to the Genetic Genie site I’ve found out I’ve got the following super powers (mutations:)

MTR A2756G

I’ve discovered that high-dose B12 KILLS me as it did damage to Dubya. Mercifully I think I got out of the worst of that, so I’m not mad on trying that. We’re talking doses of 16,000% RDA though.

Based on the mutations above, does anyone have any experience with what to avoid and what not to avoid when looking at vitamins etc?

Thanks everyone.

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Hmmm. I suppose we should all get this test. A nutritionist recommend Dutch hormone and 23 and me

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We have a community project going on based on 23andme data. Please, guys, if you buy tests like this order the 23andme test and provide your data to the project. We need to work together. Everyone going out ordering their own tests and working on their own is unlikely to solve this incredibly complex problem. We need to work together and generate systematic data. Only then will we know, for example, if certain mutations are particularly prevalent in our community compared to others.


Funnily enough that’s what led me to this. My 23andme results are submitted, definitely worth contributing!

EDIT - just to tidy it up then, once you’ve got your 23andme results you can visit Genetic Genie with them and generate a report to see your mutations. Then you can decide to go with methylation treatments etc.

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Great! That wasn‘t clear from your post. Still, the message applies for others.

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