Mild side effects 5 months now

Im 23, I took 5 pills and stopped right away when my balls started aching like crazy. I even had a wet dream during the ball ache. After a few days it went away then 2 weeks later I get libido/ed problems. Sleep was also bad. I also noticed my facial, chest and stomach hair thinned out and some fell off. Also my left testicle had pain. Its hard to explain but the pain starts from my testicle and goes into my abdomen. It hurt the most when I sat or laid down. Drinking alcohol also caused pain. 2 months pass and I get some libido. Ive had 2 instances where I almost had a wet dream. I still kept and still keep getting morning wood. Also I get hit with brain fog really bad. It lasts for weeks. I dont know if im psyching myself out right now but its either that or brain fog. I Never had depression or anxiety, only felt those when I read horror stories. I never had watery semen or a shriveled penis. 5 months later all these side effects got better. I sleep good, bodyhair is not 100% but I am noticing slow improvement. Libido is lower than pre fin, I can get erect but the horniness I used to feel is not there yet. I can get an erection using imagination. No effects on muscle or anything else really. Maybe a little brain fog not sure. Does anyone know the recovery tome frame? Is 3-6 months or longer? After how long do you know if you have PFS permanently?

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