MHRA meeting update

It’s an update call regarding the recent changes that have recently been covered in the press

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Update following dial in

9 to 12 months to fully implement changes.

Generally they have been well recieved,/ welcomed across the health care community.

You can see the update in full on

As mentioned previously she’s on our side and is doing what she can within the remit of her role. The addition of the new card will undoubtedly deter some from taking it ultimately saving lives.

She again confirmed there is regular cross team communication and there is awareness that other drugs cause a similar side profile such as Accutane. . We are no longer being met with denial and a wall, but it is work in progress.

The father of a sufferer joined the call which was great to see.

While utilising the reporting system (yellow card scheme) is very important so is pushing awareness via the media and other sources. Both have seen an increase in recent years which has undoubtedly been a factor in getting these changes.

We have the BBC and Sky involved at the moment. Hopefully we’ll see a broader narrative on the real effects of this drug.

We have to make the most of these opportunities and everyone has a role to play. They are nothing without volunteers. Thank you greatly to those who havd stepped forward.

The MHRA calls will be quarterly and with 5 place mats for sufferers or interested parties. Please let me know if you’d like to attend any in the future.

Also post any questions that you’d like raised.

As I’ve said many times don’t be a passenger in this. Try to help change things for the better, this is about getting our lives back and protecting other innocents from the same fate.

Raising awareness will also help the science in finding a path to a treatment. If no one knows about this then no one gives a damn.

Link to yellow card scheme:-

Report every single side, you can submit as many reports as required. Given the numbers j suspect this is rarely done. So come on…

