Massive breakthrough for me - no screens after 7pm and no gluten

Hi All,

So i’m 2+ years into recovery now after taking 1mg of fin for 8.5 years and I’ve made a breakthrough I have to share! I try to stay off this forum as much as possible these days but had to come back on in case this helps people.

During the nightmareish early days, so many symptoms, so much going on it’s difficult to know what affects what. Now that my symptoms have become more ‘subtle’ I’m finding it easier to make small changes to see what works and what doesn’t. This might sound stupid but … SCREEN TIME!. Yes, screen time during the day and especially at night after 7pm. I’ve found that if I limit even remove completely screen time - phones, PC screens, TV (although TV doesn’t seem to affect me as much) I sleep like an absolutely baby. This realization happened almost overnight and ever since then (3 weeks ago) I’ve slept like I’ve never slept before since stopping fin on the days I stop screens. Some days, especially on the weekend when I’m not on screens at all I can sleep 9+ hours, even past my alarm, and get up and go W T F happened. I feel good, excellent even, no jetlag, no brain fog, no getting up at 2am shaking needing to eat, no panic attacks…nothing.

I really have no idea what it is but I can say for 100% sure that there’s something about screen time during the day and at night that causes some kind of dysregulation or imbalance. It’s a sliding scale too and I’ve done a lot of testing. About a week ago I caught a 5 hour flight and on that plane I worked on my PC the entire flight and was on my phone the entire night trying to find my hotel, order food coz this shit hotel had no restaurant etc - that night was so bad I had to use sleeping pills to get through it. Then, like magic, the next day kept off screens as much as possible and no phone aftr 7pm and slept like a baby.

Maybe something to do with melatonin regulation? Cortisol balancing? Turning blue-light off my phone doesn’t seem to make much of a difference as it appears to be the accumulation of screens throughout the day, amplified at night.

Anyone here found this makes a difference? Please, everyone try this. It’s free, you’ve got nothing to lose. Just stop phones as much as possible. Even try go a day and night with no phones and report back!

I hope this helps people. I’m off gluten as well as I know FOR A FACT that gives me anxiety and panic attacks so take that into account - no gluten, no screens.

Keen to hear feedback.


Screens especially late at night disrupt sleep because of causing excitement and accelerated brain activity, its something that causes issues in people without pfs as well. Experienced it first hand also. Most sleep experts recommend reading 30-60 minutes before sleep.

Glad it helped you :slight_smile:


Bright screens in the evening are shifting your biological clock which disrupts your normal circadian rhytm.
To your advice I would also add an extra point – seeing the sun light after waking up (approx. until 10 am as the sun rays angle will be different and not perceived by your brain as early light) for at least 10-15 minutes. And I mean the real light, windows block the most of it.
This simple trick helped me so much I couldn’t recommend it more.

Thanks for the feedback @weaksides & @Ultra. I think what’s shocked me the most is how sensitive I am to this now compared to before PFS. Hopefully someone figures out how we can better treat this in the future.

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Glad to help. I agree with sensitivity due to fin, but mostly in social aspect of life. Hope it helps man, would definitely advice to do some research on sleep hygiene if you have trouble sleeping if you want some more practical tips


I totally endorse this opinion: sleep hygiene is a must.

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Quickly adding to this, I’m 100% sure of this now. I’ve been sleeping like a baby ever since stopping screens once the sun starts to set. Sometimes when I can’t avoid it (watching a movie with friends etc) I really notice the difference - rapid eye movement, can’t relax, can’t focus, anxious, toss and turn all night etc.

To boot, I’ve noticed what I watch makes a big difference also. Anything stressful or intense in the afternoon / night matters with sleep onset also.

I quess this is all about the circadian rhythm. I appear really sensitive now and you sprinkle in some low stress tolerance in there and good luck trying to sleep.

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I went through an insomnia spell a couple years ago with light sensitivity so extreme that a 5w nightlight behind the head board or light being reflected off a wall 2 rooms away would keep me awake even with eyes shut.

Some things that helped with preventing late-night computer usage from keeping me too wakeful:

  • Dark mode/theme on every app where it was available

  • Set background colors to dark gray with light gray print in every app where a dark mode wasn’t available

  • Monitor set to ~20% brightness

  • Made certain any ambient light in the room was behind me, not in front of me

Doesn’t sound like much but it did wonders.


I want to jump back in here after more than 2 years! Wow.

Update on this is the unequivocal truth that my circadian rhythm has been damaged by fin for sure. I’ve now completed my testing with the reintroduction of gluten into my diet and I feel great. It was truly blue light that was the cause.

I’ve invested in proper blue light blocking glasses and use these both during the day and at night and I’ve been sleeping like a baby ever since. On days that I don’t wear them and depending on the exposure I have, I can really notice it - tossing and turning in bed, waking up several times, feeling heavily jet lagged for most of the day etc. I can also say with trial and error I’m absolutely certain different devices emit varying intensities of blue light - my phone being the worst. Seems the bigger the screen the less blue light for some reason.

Anyway hope this helps anyone. Please please please test this out yourself as it has made such a massive different to my sleep and overall mood during the day.

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@Jezza Congratulations on your progress. I would also like to know about your tinnitus. Did it reduce over time? I mainly have sleep issues because of tinnitus, which recently started after 3 years post fin discontinuation. Thanks.

Thanks @Danny007

Nope my tinnitus is still there, it’s only slightly better than it was but it’s ever present. To be honest I forget about it these days and it doesn’t affect my sleep.

Have you tried getting sleeping earphones and listening to an audio book or calming music to drown it out?

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@Jezza Yeah, I have been playing relaxing music on my phone while sleeping. It helps, but unfortunately, it’s not a solution. Do you also claim to recover from sexual and cognitive sides?

Mmm not sure how you would drown it out then. I’m sure you’ve tried however I’m wondering what a hearing specialist would say about it? I’m sure there’s something that would help in their bag of tricks.

As for recovery from sexual + cognitive - no definitely not. Sexual I was lucky I didn’t get hit too hard with however cognitive yes. As mentioned in my story I’m still struggling with a few things.

I used to rely heavily on the relations music/sounds cd when my tinnitus was especially loud and distressing

It was my safe haven when it came to night time when you just want peace
Eventually Thank God mine has quieted down but took a while

If it can get better for me it can anyone else
Keep strong
Do what you can to just weather it my man
It’ll be ok

Blue light increases serotonin by 40%. This disrupts the synthesis of serotonin into melatonin. The synthesis cofactor is sam-e (methylation and folic acid/choline cycle). Finasteride increases serotonin, in at least 2 ways:

  1. Load on the intestines (irritation) because bile is spoiled and there is SIBO, dysbacteriosis, etc.
  2. Allopregnenolone/GABA

The blue light of phones is something that will spoil a lot of people in the near future. I want to upset you and say that this is not a treatment, but probably a good plug in your case.

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The radiation could subtly be creating issues, if you had actual full blown EMF sensitivity you wouldn’t be able to ignore it but I can say for sure as someone with the hellish condition that radiation exposure from computers, monitors, and wifi for example is one of the number one ways to make everything worse in general. Don’t use the phone in bed, put a radiation shield on your monitor, wire it up through VGA instead of HDMI, and see if you get further improvements. I can’t handle HDMI outputs even with a screen shield but I need to with it if I wire it up through the VGA on my GPU (Nvidia’s last card with the slot) I’m fine. I also have a shield on the tower too since my computer itself also makes my deathly ill very quickly even with a OS that uses as little processor resources as it needs at all times.

I don’t use my phone itself too much and keep it away from me without wifi on when I’m at home here. Really only use it to text and make very short calls or quick internet browsing on the go. I just don’t use it long enough daily to cause issues and it’s alright.

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