@Trdrum, @Marissar93 and @arix: Many thanks for joining this site and a warm welcome to all of you. I have enabled your accounts to take the survey now. By the time you read this, you should have received an email with a personalized link to take the survey (please check your spam folder). If it didn’t arrive, you may also participate by clicking on the graph icon at the top of the page.
We need at least 20 responses to be able to present the GnRH analog (Lupron, etc.) data separately, the way we currently do for finasteride, anti-depressants and isotretinoin (anti-acne drug Accutane etc.). If all of you fill it out we’ll have 5, so another 15 to go. Please encourage anyone you know who is also suffering from GnRHa inflicted health damage to participate. We need to get this problem more visible, and we are working hard to push scientific investigation of these syndromes.
Even though you will probably find that many of the issues discussed here will sound very familiar, please feel free to create topics specific to the subjects you are interested in having a conversation about. Thanks in advance for your support in this crucial matter.