Link's Story

Since this has happened again i’ve started up on my supplements I was taking a while ago, yes this does include L-Arginine, and a multivitamin with Vitamin D in it :slight_smile:. Think my nipples are starting to feel weird as well…

It’s been about 3 and a half years since i submitted my story to this forum, I was young, 21/22, desperate for help after taking Propecia because I was so scared of losing my hair that I thought my life couldn’t go on.

The link to my original story

It started out with genital numbness, a tingling awful sensation around my pelvic area, lack of libido, partial ED, no morning erections, sometimes watery ejaculate, even without me knowing i think i happened to get emotional blunting, joint point and frequent urination. Sometimes I would just cry myself to sleep at night thinking things would never look up. After a few weeks I actually recovered, only to again crash a week or so later, with the symptoms not as bad but still equally scarring.

I tried what I thought would help, supplements such as cod liver oil, zinc, l-arginine for example. I don’t know if they helped, and i didn’t take them for long, maybe a few months. At the time I was working your typical 9-5 job, weekends to myself, a few good friends, no girlfriend and my family didn’t know, I was depressed and losing hope. But what I decided was, I wasn’t going to take this lying down anymore, I have to be active, do something.

I decided to start eating a healthier diet, drinking nothing but water, I’ve managed to carry this on until this day (with the odd cheeky soft drink and alcoholic beverage of course!)

I did a bit of exercise, my work helped contribute with this because I was constantly on the move.

I tried a bit of juicing, fruits and vegetables, not much but a few here and there for a month or two.

I worked up the courage to join college, a year long course, one that, if i was successful, would lead onto a University course.

At this point a year had passed and the symptoms had started to ease, things were looking up, about half a year later I met a girl, she is now my girlfriend and we’ve been together for just over a year :slight_smile:.

At this point now i’ve finished my first year in University and am relaxing for the summer, with good friends, a great girlfriend and i’m laughing again :slight_smile:. I would say I have had a 95% recovery rate. The only thing (hopefully!) to possibly leave it’s mark as a reminder (possibly, there’s no telling if it would of happened regardless of if I had taken Propecia or not) is a small harmless cyst inside my testicles, which of course freaked me out at first but fortunately I got the good news after a hospital scan.

What I can say is that I cannot confirm 100% that anything I did helped contribute in any way to the recovery, or if it was just a natural progression of time, I am 25 now, maybe my young age helped in this factor?.

Anyway I thought i’d make a thread because I had a few inbox messages asking how I had gotten on and I thought I owed it to people to tell my story from then until now. Keep your heads up guys, I honestly feel blessed to know the tunnel did have light at the end, i’m hoping it’s the same for all you guys someday soon.