Life taken from guy in mid 20s. Now on the road to recovery

I am a lot confused.

I have muscle pain , weakness and fatigue…
No one is able to give any answer is muscle pain weekness and fatigue equal to Atrophy…

How to determine that

Definitely give it a go again!

Before I tried it for the first time, I had already been avoiding 5ari foods for nearly 12 months, so a few of my symptoms have subsided/lowered in severity.

However as I stated above, once I started on Acetyl L Carninite, and even during the 2 week off cycles, all of my symptoms disappear.

And judging by the searches on here, the people who keep taking it long term, either never come back, or they post to say they’re recovered.

Hi abc,

Muscle pain, weekness and fatigue are extremely common symptoms for PFS.

It is hard for me to say if those symptoms are the same as atrophy. But some people on here have found a way to stop these symptoms from being so severe (including fatigue, weekness etc).

Do you know what a 5ari is?

People who avoid 5ari foods find that they have less symptoms, and that the symptoms they still have don’t affect them as much.

I believe if you stay away from things that are 5ari, the fatigue, muscle pain etc won’t effect you as much. This could really help you.

Please tell me if you don’t know what a 5ari is, and I’ll explain it to you.

Thank you for the detailed response, please help me with 5ari foods that you ate and you avoided

I am trying to get Acetyl l carnitine . Of NOW brand as you suggested… you didn’t face any side effects from it right

I ordered it and it should comes in next friday or sunday at the latest. Kind of a long window on Amazon, usually things get to me faster. I avoid what I can comfortably avoid but I feel like based on how random whatever I react badly to is that there is some other component to foods that often just comes with foods that are stronger 5aris. Like I just realized that tomato and yesterday after trying a some of curcumin in food that I react about the same to each but I eat foods looking at the list that are 5atis all the time, sometimes I went out during this and ate a ton of them at that with little consequence. Thankfully though I still retained night and morning wood but just tanked my energy and baseline libido a bit. Though there is a theme I noticed here, when the libido tanks at all so does overall brain signalling, I feel more dull and things that would normally make me excited or are just enjoyable aren’t so much but it’s still there so no actual crash and I’ll get back.

Other people though are just fine with curcumin though, same with tomato even. I think what happens in most cases may actually have 2 major components, what happens when a 5ar related function breaks down and what happens after that in chain reaction with excitory neurotransmitter cycles as a result of that weakened state that in normal conditions have nearly no possibility of breaking down. Since this is likely related to a epigenetic shift the differences in ways people respond to things could be due to whatever happened under the epigenetic change umbrella that changed how a bunch of systems in the body not even entirely related to androgen receptors works and the individual reaction could also be due to an interaction with any of these systems that got disturbed and had consequences in the main systems originally effected directly. It could be that just so many processes in the body funnel into the androgen and dopamine related neurotransmitter cycles that a lot of processes even vaguely related to them if altered in a certain way could have profound effects in cascade on them. The things that tank me now appear to only have lessened reward/drive, libido, and sexual responsiveness as a casualty but it’s likely not the main show based on how I’m feeling. The things that make me better seem to show that everything is all still there as it was but the wires are just still weak enough to be disturbed very easily with the right compounds that otherwise wouldn’t happen before in a pre-pfs state.

Yup agreed totally

hi man, is it necessary to be ALCAR? Or normal carnitine could di the trick?

also, can you link me the other guys who recovered by it? I just know the @Livid171 story

I’d start with normal carnitine to see how you respond to it at a baseline, I’m one of the people it takes energy from.No crash in the PFS sense but I didn’t feel good for a couple days.

Hi man, I’m not sure tbh. I’m obviously not an expert, but I did hear from someone today that the difference between ALCAR and other Carnitine is that ALCAR crosses the Blood Brain Barrier.

This could possibly be why people get good results on it. I’m not an expert, and just go by what I read on here.

In terms of the other members who recovered from it, type in Acetyl into the search bar. Lots of different guys said they took it. A few said they recovered, and a few never came back, years and years later.

I will definitely have to get a list together of links, for when people ask.

I am seeing great results on ALCAR, almost all of my old symptoms are disappearing, and I feel better and more like my old self each day.

Definitely give ALCAR a chance I think.

Sorry to hear that it takes the energy from you that much.

I have noticed that it takes the energy from me too, but the benefit I get from it is so big, that I have chosen to put up with that instead.

If you find normal Carnitine doesn’t work for you long term, definitely give ALCAR another go.

Even if you have to drink coffee, or find energy in another way.

I am feeling better and better, and feel like my old self again each day. All of my large symptoms have been gone for a few months now, but all of the smaller great things I never noticed disappeared, have been coming back. And eating 5ari foods no longer give me any reaction, or crashes. This is how I felt last time on ALCAR. I should never have stopped it. But now that I’m back on it, I am definitely recovering.

I wouldn’t say this is a natural recovery. Because when I took ALCAR for 3 months last year, I started to feel like this. And then I stopped because I thought I was recovered, and all the symptoms came back etc.
Now back on it again, I am feeling better than I have for a long time. I definitely won’t stop for years now.

All Carnitine increase the density of Androgen Receptors, but apparently ALCAR, unlike the other Carnitines, passes the Blood Brain Barrier. And it is also involved in restoring Mitochondrial Function in the cell, and is used to restore neurologic disorders and improve liver function.

One thing is my hair has started to fall out a bit more. A side effect I’m willing to take, as I would rather have no hair, than to go through PFS and that hell again.

As I said, I’m no expert, but it’s obviously working. Because I do feel like me again from before I started taking Fin.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. I also recently started taking ALCAR. Take it for 2 weeks, stop it for 2 weeks, and so on. It’s only been 1 month now and I haven’t felt any difference yet. How did you first discover that ALCAR was effective?

By the way, my sexual desire is basically stable at about 80% now, and my sexual desire is low. Sometimes I need Viagra to achieve a smooth erection. There are almost no other symptoms.


Great to hear you have started taking it. Cycling it like that is the correct method, so you are on the right track. Do you take it in the morning and on an empty stomach? Apparently it works best when you take it at least 1 hour before food.

I first discovered ALCAR on @Livid171’s recovery post.

But I first noticed it was effective for me about 2 months into taking it. From memory I didn’t notice much at about 1 month in, as that is only 1x Cycle, so it’s probably a little early for you yet. Keep on it, I really believe you will start to see some change.

This isn’t the first time I’ve take it though. I first took it for 3 months last year, and by the end of it I thought I was fully recovered, so I stopped. Within 1-2 months, all of my PFS symptoms came back hard.

I started taking it again this year, and I am 3 months in now. I have noticed massive amounts of improvements again.

During these on and off cycles, my sexual desire has always been on the up and up. However in the last 3 weeks, my sexual desire has gone through the roof! I am horny multiple times a day, for multiple hours, and my erections are at full strength.

I should never have stopped taking it last year, I can’t imagine how much better I would feel, or further I would be into my recovery. I will not stop taking it this time for a long time this time, especially for a year or 2 at least!

By searching on this website, the people that take ALCAR for long periods of time and stay on it, they either come back and tell us they are covered, or they never come back, and have been inactive for years and years. I think that is really saying something.

I would also recommend avoiding 5ari foods, if you aren’t doing so already. That played a major role in me feeling “30% or 40% recovered”, for a whole 12 months. But it wasn’t until I tried ALCAR that I really started to feel massive gains in my recovery, and how I used to feel.

I’m not sure what role avoiding 5ari’s for a year before ALCAR, had on the impactfulness of ALCAR on my. I’m sure some of those on this forum that used/recovered from ALCAR didn’t all avoid every 5ari.

But I would still recommend avoiding 5ari foods, as this might speed up your recovery and seeing results.

Good luck, and keep up with the ALCAR. Be patient, I’m sure you won’t have to wait long to start seeing some sort of results soon! If you need help or have any questions, please feel free to reach out.


As well as taking ALCAR, my other recommendation (like many here on the site) is to avoid 5ari foods, so that you don’t stop the production of DHT. I have noticed my hair has started to fall out again recently since starting ALCAR. This would suggest that ALCAR is working and my hormones are getting back to my original baseline again. I do feel like my old self some days (from before I took FIN). Taking 5ari foods no longer effects me, after being on ALCAR for so long, but maybe if I had started ALCAR while taking 5ari’s, it would’ve taken longer to re-start my production of DHT, because I would always be limiting it.


Hey guys,

Just wanted to give an update.

The last 3 weeks had been the greatest I had felt since pre-fin, feeling more and more like myself. On top of that I was getting multiple erections a day, and was extremely horny for a week straight or more.
My erections were extremely hard, like nothing I have experienced since before fin.

Sadly, I was so horny that I masturbated 5 times in one day, 3 the next day and 2 the day after that. After doing all of that on the last day, I was exhausted and felt like shit, and I didn’t know why. That was nearly a week ago.

Since then, for the last week, I have been feeling like shit. I couldn’t quite explain it, but I’ve realised tonight based off all my symptoms that it’s a crash. It doesn’t feel as bad as the crashes I used to feel though, but all of the same old symptoms, except they are more minor subtle. This proves again that ALCAR is definitely working and doings it job, because the crashes before were horrible. The great thing is that 5ari’s weren’t creating a crash, but it makes sense that the Multiple Ejaculations did.

I have read before that ejaculating too many times can cause a crash, so this makes sense. Masturbating once used to make me crash, but this time it took 5-10 times for me to crash.

I’m happy I know about this now, as I won’t do it again. Before all of that I really did feel great, and felt like I was 98% recovered, and was horny as over the last 2-3 weeks. It shows the ALCAR was really working, because that was the level of horny I was before Fin.

Just wanted to make sure everyone is aware, in case they get to this (horny) stage and nearly do the same thing!

I am currently in my off cycle of ALCAR, so I’m looking forward to being back on the Cn Cycle so I can smash this crash.

That’s the great thing about ALCAR, and @Livid171 made the same comment, it literally feels like you’re shaking PFS from your body when on ALCAR. All of your symptoms start to disappear day by day during your On Cycle, and then on your Off Cycle you start to feel more and more like your normal old self.

Motivated and looking forward to continuing to smash it. :muscle:


Hey guys, just an update relating to my last post, and a bit of a warning regarding diet.

I thought I had crashed from masturbating, but it turns out it was actually my diet.

Because I felt so good from the ALCAR, I was eating chocolate, cakes, sugary drinks, whatever I could, and I was really enjoying it. I was having 4 cans of coke in the evening after work!

It is this that I believe made me crash. Possibly that combined with the masturbation as well.

I believed I could eat anything I wanted because I was feeling great/better, and @Livid171 said that he ate whatever he wanted (within reason) during his recovery, and he said that he didn’t stick to any particular diet.

But I was wrong. Good thing is I know that the crashes will still happen if I do that, so I won’t do that anymore, I know my limits.

This crash isn’t anywhere near as severe as the old ones I used to experience, so it shows the the ALCAD is working.

But I know now that you have to maintain a fairly good diet, and not spiral out of control eating lots of junk food constantly etc, because that will send you back.

Back on the horse, and will keep getting better every day :muscle:t3:

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