LazarusRy's PFS journey

My Doctors answer to PFS, he’s on the ball and very open minded



It’s not talked about a lot but PFS can be fatal without suicide, my testosterone level got super low out of the blue 15 years after taking propecia. Low T levels increase your chance of heart attack by 20 times the average person


I have no doubt there will have been deaths outside of suicide a guys spouse reported a near fatal heart attack on here 2 years ago. I had testicular cancer because of fin in 2006 without vigilance and treatment it would have spread.

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Yes I have instructed my wife to leave a message when I’m gone. I expect a heart attack will be my end. Jim


Well the therapist was shocked that I’ve been left like this. The procedure was pretty bad considering how much waste has accumulated. Since the clear out I noticed my hands have become extremely dry and tooth pain has kicked off. No positives to report as yet apart from the knowledge that I no longer have that level of toxicity sitting nside me. I’ll report any further changes as and when.

It’s now two days since the procedure The crippling bone pain has receded to a manageable degree. I’m able to walk I’ve got slightly more function in my elbows and my hands don’t feel as boney. My mood has improved slightly and my eyes are wet I even had a twitch downstairs. This tells me that the blocked colon/ disfunctional intestine is causing widespead inflammation (bone, muscle pain are common in IBD). I intend to have another in a few weeks and will push my doc for an appointment with a gastro specialist.
I’d recommend this procedure to the sufferers who are in a similar position. @hippydoof @Headpressure, when all seems lost!!! The gut is key to alot of our problems and healing it is key.


Does your gut feel any different…less bloated or anything? I ate a ton and shit almost not at all during my first month of PFS but never felt bloated like normal constipation. Wondered where all that food was going.

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I’m so happy to hear this worked for you laz and helped to some degree! Any improvement is a gift. I am going to have this done the gut is a huge role in how we feel and it triggers our entire way of being. Dr’s even refer to it as our second brain.

Please keep us up dated with the treatments. Praying this stays positive for you bro

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Thanks for the suggestion:) Great news that it’s giving you some relief!! Definitely a big connection, whenever I eat like crap my intense debilitating head pressure gets worse.

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I just had the first relief on my head pressure and tinnitus. 4khz tinnitus sound cancels out tinnitus in my head. And sleeping with a delta wave playing lead to reduced head pressure today.

Did they give a reason why (it appears) your intestines didn’t exhibit peristaltic activity? I was astounded that you didn’t have a BM for a month!

Are there exercises or medicines that prod peristalsis? Any thought of getting a colostomy bag?

I hope you don’t end up going through this on a monthly basis! Stay strong, Jim

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@JimWildman like everything related to pfs she had no explanation othere than saying it appeared to be siezed. To be fair it was a private clinic for irrigation purposes only and not a hospital.

I’ve since dropped and back to the baseline of extreme skeletal and abdominal pain. I woke to renewed tissue loss in my face.

I’m now trying Rifaximin out of desperation as the level of disintegration is uncomprehensible. From a masculine guy to and old lesbian lookalike. Every bodily function is operating in a distressed form of chaos with inflammation causing widespread damage.


“From a masculine guy to and old lesbian lookalike.”

Even sailing for such a long time on this ocean of shit, you never have lost humor. Otherwise you couldn’t stand this torture only made for MSD shareholders intestine massage.


I may be unable to really grasp the gravity of your situation, but I just wanted to ask you to please stay strong, you are a big inspiration to me and probably to everyone else.


Well I’ve been on rimaxifin for a week. Positively I’ve been to the toilet daily however the passing of stools is far from normal but at least something is happening. I’ve developed a severe chest infection.and fungal infections have returned on my skin, nails scalp etc. Overall the strength and total muscle loss as well as the constant pain continues to worry and trouble me.
I had a women come up to me who said were u here last August (I’m in Spain atm) she said uve lost so much weight whats happened to you.
It was good in 1 way because at home all I get is challenge and denial but in another quite upsetting as it was less than a year ago and I was already conscious of how much I’d changed then.
My whole body has now turned to jelly including my face if I lift an arm the tissue hangs there’s no density anywhere. Bones are visible everywhere. I look abnormal there’s crevices around my jaw muscle eye sockets., neck has gone I can’t even swim in the pool. I tried the gym yesterday and lifting 3kg had me close to tears no physical response just crunching of joints and severe pain. I can see people looking at my limbs it’s very upsetting. I feel the need to withdraw I can’t hold eye contact or engage and feel the awkwardness everywhere it’s nothing but an ordeal. I only feel comfortable around kids as they don’t feel threatening. I bit like whacko Jacko wtf but we know he was also on fin. I’m avoiding going to the hotel entertainment areas I’m sure this is upsetting my wife, well I know it is. My son hugs me, no questions he sees my pain and distress. I was gripped by extreme anxiety, irritability and suicidal thoughts throughout the night.
I’m so tired of this horrible existence but I’m too afraid to bring it to a close. I pray to God daily and await for his help. Something I will continue to do.

If there’s 1 positive to be taken I had a collagen drink yesterday morning which is a general no no and at one point despite still being in pain I felt physical presence, 20/20 vision returned some dick weight and i felt positivity ie that this is repairable something I’ve always known but these feelings are extremely rare and hard to focus on when the polar opposite emotional state is the general constant.




Latest indentations appeared over two consecutive nights

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As brutal as it may seem for me to say, that photo is hard for me to see what you’re getting at.

If you want to document this stuff, you should probably try and get clear pictures or even video that shows these things before and after they happen. I’m not saying to post here, but if you’re trying to prove something to someone then it might be helpful to have clearer documentation.

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I have dents, divots, and troughs head to toe and I can’t get a decent pic of it. I showed a rheumatologist a before pic and it still didn’t land. I’ve presented to other specialists and they just go hmm. What am I expecting, that they’ll say oh my god there’s a serious condition here, I’m going to follow up with authorities and get you into a lab. Nah, when the bloodwork comes back normal that’s the last I hear from them. PFS tissue loss is never going to resonate except with a dermatologist selling fillers.

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Thanks for the feedback @greek my wife could see them quite clearly 1 looks like someone has pressed a marble into my face and the other is a lined divet going upwards both appeared over night so it’s quite difficult to get a before and after picture as they can appear anywhere there is no warning. As @mstone states its quite difficult to get a decent pic of such occurances but none the less they are real and very disturbing which I know you’re not disputing for one moment. Getting clearer pictures is key the wastage across my body was much easier to capture and does appear in other appropriate threads. Personally I think this is the result of loss of function of SRD5A1,2 and 3 genes. These cause facial and physical deformities at birth. Some of us have acquired this via pfs and were basically developing these changes over time pure speculation but it makes sense as to why such abnormal shit is happening. U know I really appreciate your feedback so thanks again mate I’ll try to get better pictures moving forward. Not that I want to see more overnight losses a period of stability would be like a lottery win… .

I bet it’s very easy to discern in person. And you’re right, I’m absolutely not disputing anything.

I think one way to document it might be to video it, hold your phone still and slowly turn your head back and forth. I know these aren’t deep craters but seeing the way the light and shadow reacts will be key.

Most people have wrinkles etc, and if you’ve ever seen a celebrity look worse in the paper or wherever vs how they look in films or TV, it’ll be due to the lighting on films lighting everything eventually, the smooth bits of the skin and the deepest parts of the wrinkle.

So you want lighting that shows the most contrast as possible, so people can really see the difference between the dents as easily as possible. So, not too dark, but not too bright either as if it’s too bright you won’t see the differences.

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Thanks for the tips @Greek