JZA70's blood tests

It makes no sense to say that all of our symptoms are the direct result of neurological damage. I hope my post didn’t come off like that.

Combining the fact that my endocrinologist said that there were no glaring anomalies with my hormone tests, with the fact that I am still having some very bad cognitive issues, I am starting to believe that there may be problems that cannot be fixed by attaining some kind of hormonal balance. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. I’m just providing speculation based on blood work and how I feel. …And we all know how confusing and contradictory blood work can be, so you’re going to have to take it all for what it’s worth. Providing you with some kind of a list would be worthless.

Honestly, a lot of this speculation is waaaay beyond my paygrade, but we know that fin causes some pretty severe issues on the tissue level. Hell, I’ve witnessed them first hand! If finasteride can shrink prostate tissue by causing widespread cell death, who is to say that fin cannot adversely affect other tissues like brain tissue, for example?

Again, this all through what I am experiencing. Everyone is different. It sounds like you don’t have very bad mental sides. Just saying.


A neurological root can explain everyone of the side effects on this board, if you want ask me and i will link you to an appropriate study.
It really doesnt matter though as the problem is under investigation by trained experts, i assume.

For me, all my mental sides are directly attributable to the effects of hormones. Spatial awareness is affected by hormones too. Testosterone and probably a bunch of others.

“Does that explain tbe mental side effects ? I nearly crashed my car because I lost my spatial awareness, I believe I have suffered from some sort of brain damage .” Testosterone does EXACTLY this. As you can see in many studies. I just finished reading 2 books on womens HRT. Many examples of women dramatically improving balance and spatial awareness just by taking testosterone.