Itookfindanddutast's Story

This thread is so sad, one person recovers and suddently a lot of deranged users start throwing bullshit around, crab mentality, as they call it. That’s exactly why I don’t come here so often: instead of being actually helpful for patients, this place looks like the safe space of a few lunatics, a cult of loosers.
Also, I agree with finanddutast about the tiktoks, awereness would help research a lot more than throwing money at some randos whos real intention is not at all clear, again, not saying you should’t donate, but that people should take the issue seriously first (I remember a research who ended up trying to disprove the condition)

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If someone is 80 or 90% recovered with just enviromental factors, who is to say a 100% is simply impossible? The thing here is that every PFS case is slightly different, so those factors seem to vary. That’s why progress stories should be valued more, they helps us understand this condition more in practical terms.
But I agree, generally. This whole deal is unaccepatble, and we shouldn’t conform with just getting better.


My thinking exactly. Maybe not about the loser part but everything else lol. 85% might as well be 100 I live a normal life. Sex life is normal, Happiness is normal, excitement for life is normal. And things are still improving… When you are suffering as bad as I was and get to this point you will kiss the ground and be thankful for being happy again. Clearly there still needs to be a cure because there are people who don’t get better after years, and they shouldn’t have to suffer.


The clinical report from Prof Irving and the diagnostic criteria from Prof Healy are persistent sexual dysfunction for pfs and persistent genital numbness for pssd. Prof Irving analysed more than 11.000 patients with finasteride histories in 2011 and measured 1,4 % with permanent ED (pfs symptoms).

Definitely, who took this Finasteride shit without checking the internet and than predisposed is a cult looser. Pfs isn’t a nice waiting for recovery party, desperate injection and self fulfilling recovery talk - not the people who recoverd - are definitely not the way out. Not for all, we all wouldn’t be here!

543 patients joined the patients surfey to get statistical stable informations about pfs symptoms and the real statistical relevant recovery rate.

Using the substance frame for statistical analysis of recovery protocols isn’t used. Statistical measurement about hcg recoveries not possible.

Every recovery is a good thing for some happy individuals not for all. Finding the pathogenic mechanism and developing treatment options leads to a cure for all.

Donation and awarness campains are very good with a clear direction in that what the disease is and a what the possible root case is.

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On a lighter note, I just fucked up some Cuban food for lunch.

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Recovery is a lottery. I know good men who have suffered from this disease for 10 years. Are they to be abandoned? Some people get worse over time, rather than better. Marc Turner was one example with 40+ symptoms. Same question. What about them? In my view the main problem this community has is its individualism and selfishness. My recovery, my symptoms, my case. Not caring about the collective issue and how to tackle it.

As for 90% versus 100%. The richness of life is all that matters to me and I’m willing to make great personal sacrifices in order to be able to live life as it was intended rather than have my experience be marred by this poison. To fully feel the embrace of a woman, the joy of travel, the bliss of swimming in the ocean. To me, nothing is more important than this and I would gladly sacrifice my privacy and wealth to get this back.

In any case, I’m happy Itookfinanddutast is better and if that makes people feel more hopeful then that’s a good thing. I also agree with his call for awareness raising.


I can be agree with parts of two points of view exposed here. I think that we can have differences but we also have to respect each part.

On the other hand i understand that this fcking disease is annoying to hell, so co nfrontations are understable.

As i said, im so Happy for the op of this thread and on my poing of view i like that recovered ppl keep updating to give Hope. I usually find this forum Lil bit stressful. But i do enjoy recover posts, i just need some hope. And…If there is ppl recovering It doesnt mean tdutasteride finasteride arent poisons.

Is the OPEN act passed legally?

Meaning do we have access to it? Or is it just an idea that was brought up

My libido is higher than it ever has been since getting PFS and my hair is starting to get fucked still lol.

I have noticed these big changes started after using “Head and Shoulders shampoo”.

After using it within a few hours I was getting more libido and better sleep.

This could be a coincidence but I don’t think it is.

The active ingredient in it is “zinc pyrithrione”.

It’s raises levels of zinc in the body and removes dead skin/fungus on the scalp.

Upon research I also found a study that says it can help regulate estrogen in the body.

The first time I used it a month ago, I immediately noticed I felt refreshed after getting out of the shower, then getting hard randomly throughout the day.

The next day I went on vacation as I mentioned above, and my libido was through the roof… I couldn’t realize what I had changed, but that was it…

I stayed at that level for maybe a week and then went back to normal. I used a different shampo during that week.

I used the head and shoulders again and within an hour I was getting random boners again and feeling really good.

Now after using it a few times, my hair is falling out and I’m waking up with rock hard morning wood that literally lasts for 10 minutes.

Not sure what to make of this but figured I would post it


I hate to admit this, but after all the life changing bullshit Iv been through with PFS I found myself thinking about getting on Finasteride again to save my hair.

Im not going to clearly…

But I surprised myself with how stupid i could be to consider it after I’m finally almost fully recovered, after over a year of severe sides, just to save my fucking hair… :man_facepalming:

Im going to get a hair transplant and call it a day. Good hair isn’t worth destroying yourself over.


Hey @Itookfinanddutast

Absolutely amazing story and mindset!
I’m in a similar boat as you where I recovered 90% however 1 symptom remains and that’s penile numbness.

Did you have this and recover? Please share your experience


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It is slowly recovering. I used to only have sensitivity on the sides of my penis head, and now I’m slowly regaining sensitivity all over.

I also noticed when i got PFS the head got darker and has remained like that for a year.

Almost a slightly blueish color as if there was lack of blood flow down there. Now it is becoming pink again as the sensitivity comes back.

Pretty crazy lol

I want to add that all my improvements were super slow up until recently.

I had no improvement until 7 months in, and then it was a super slow upward trend with a bunch of crashes in between.

I literally woke up a few days ago any my hair was falling out in the shower. The quality of it also went back to what is was before FIN. More coarse.

This literally happened overnight. Followed by increased libido, and now I’m waking up REFRESHED. I can’t stress how good that feels.

I feel tired when It gets late and the last few days I have woken up feeling like I had a great nights sleep.

Before this happened a few days ago, I had gotten to a point where I was sleeping 7-8 hours, but was waking up with eye bags and feeling like I didn’t sleep.


Another night of great sleep and waking up refreshed. My body is actually recovering and getting rest like a normal person when they sleep.

I also woke up again today hard as a fucking brick.

The kind where it doesn’t go down for 10 minutes and it’s just an absolute rock :joy:.

I have gotten morning wood throughout this PFS nightmare, but only 1-2 days a week max, and it would only be chubbed not actually hard and went down immediately.

Only downside is I have noticed I have been quick to snap recently, almost kind of aggressive and moody.

I’m assuming it has something to do with my testosterone or hormones, but maybe that’s a good thing as well.

I tested myself by eating all the foods I avoid that crash me, and have had not even the slightest negative reaction. I had Thai food yesterday which has a lot of soy, and felt fine.

Iv also noticed sex doesn’t effect me negatively anymore either. I used ti have a terrible 2-3 nights of sleep if I had sex, along with crash symptoms.

I already was improving a lot before this breakthrough, and was living a normal life as I had posted in this thread, but how the fuck does this all happen overnight???


Hi @Itookfinanddutast could I ask you a question in the name of science if you are still here? Did euphoric/hooked in feelings from music came back in your recovery(or perhaps they never left)?

I’m still here but as I said I intentionally don’t come on here often.

I still am having ups and downs. I was having high libido and now I’m in a downswing, but I’m sure it’s temporary.

Sleep is good

Mood is good for the most part

Mental symptoms are almost normal

Im sure libido will bounce back as it has been recently.

Overall still living a normal life!


Hi Itookfina, great to hear that you are feeling healthier and seeing progress. It’s really great that you have come back to touch base every now and then, as it gives other faith. By the looks of your member story, we stopped Fin around the same time as each other. It’s also great that you posted photos of yourself and family. It shows others that we are all the same: just young normal guys, who got hurt by this drug, but we’ll get through this together. Love your attitude man, it’s strong and just what people need to get through this shit :muscle:.

I am just wondering, for you to experience the changes you say above, have you done anything differently? Or do you put it down to avoiding those foods, and getting plenty of sleep?

I can’t give you a definitive answer on what helped me in all honesty. I think time is a big one. The foods I was avoiding I can eat now with no reaction. I avoid eating them frequently still to be on the safe side.

And also, did you avoid Dairy during your recovery? (ie Milk and Cheese).

Thanks so much for answering. Really means a lot.

Do you feel like taking ALCAR also helped you or played a part in your improvement?

I have seen a few people on here say it helped them improve, and I’m thinking about taking it.