Is PFS gut issue? Did anyone try Crispr?

Hi guys! First of all I hope you are all better than the crash…
I have a question ıf the veterans of this syndrome answers me ı will appreciate that.
It has been almost 6 months ım %60 better overall. Even some days ı reached %100 for couple of hours.
-I tried Maca,Tribulus,Horny goat weed,Gingko biloba,Glutamine,Arginine and countless others.(made me worse)
The only worked for me probiotics does anyone know why? I have food allergies too. I thinks it is common in PFS patients. But some PFS patients don’t have food allergies ım really confused.
Im from Turkey it is Ramadan time now we do 14-15 hours dry fast a day. In the first 3 days ı got very high libido during the fast but the effects didn’t last ı will keep doing dry fast ı hope it works.
(Also before ı developed PFS ı was on topical finasteride 0.25. I was applying before ı go to bed. I woke up with diarrhea middle of the night everyday.I didn’t attribute it to finasteride at the beginning. Then ı developed all other pfs symptoms.)
My issue started with gut how common is that?

A post was merged into an existing topic: If anyone looking for some relief of the symptoms