I have been non stop lifting since I got to college. I started accutane in college. AND LET ME TELL YOU. i am 100% with you, I always go into deep depression post workout. I am so glad someone else is experiencing this! Working out is an addiction for me but the downfall afterwards sucks. I notice when i take a week off to fully recover i feel better. I wish there was a way to prevent this. Is this due to an upregulation of testosterone?
To all the members who feel worse after lifting weights, could you please answer the following questions:
How much worse do you feel?
What symptoms get worse?
How long do you feel worse for?
Do you have the same reaction to cardiovascular exercise or does it do nothing/make you feel better, and if it makes you feel better, what symptoms does it improve?
- A weird artificial depression feeling starts off. Moderate depression.
- Depression is the most noticeable standout, but includes general worsening of symptoms.
- A few days, then it passes. I have tried weights programmes a few times, and had to abandon due to the worsened symptoms. I won’t be attempting again because don’t want further worsening of symptoms.
- No, cardio does not produce the same problem. Cardio does not improve much in symptoms, just a slight improvement in energy levels.
I would assume people here feel worse after working out due to excess levels of testosterone converting into estrogen, this happens to me to and I get a tingling feeling in my nipple area which is were gyno has formed.
When I go to the gym I do both weights and cardio.
I don’t notice an immediate change in symptoms, aside from shrinkage, which can be near it’s worst after working out. I believe that even in healthy people, working muscles can mean that blood can get diverted, so I’m not sure it’s indicative of weights and cardio being bad for me. I generally walk away feeling tired but not depressed, etc.