Inspiration thread?

Are you sure @LazarusRy this shit dont cause cancer or other thing which will be deadly. Every aspects in the body harmed…

It’s rare I had testicular cancer as a result of fin, I’m only aware of one of other case in the past 20 years

So this shit is the most cruel condition in this world. Dont kill us but completly destroyes our lifes!!! I think its the worst condition in earth

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The sad thing is I thought my life before this was fucked up. It’s a shame I needed to experience this to appreciate what I had. All I had was a routine that never changed and I wanted more. I fucking love that routine now but it’s gone forever.


I absolutly now how you mean this.

Dont kill us but completly destroyes our lifes!!! I think its the worst condition in earth. And the loved ones and the own incourage make it impossible to commit suicide. God bless America. There you can buy a firearm in every gunstore.

It’s in inspiration thread: OK I was outside in the city. I made appointments with two friends. I arranged a gift for my child.

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Yes its an inspiration thread. I try to survive somehow the days. Its all about the surviving. Nothing more. Daily routine without pleasure. Without any goal. Living for my loved ones. I think i will never accept this this shit life. I hope i will die very soon somehow. I dont want this this kind kind of life. But if you guys think it different please share what do you think.

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What u speak is what will happen so stop speaking it even though u feel it Again ill say CAN not can’t. WILL not won’t Do not Don’t. LiVE not die. PoSITIVE not negative. Stop being your own worst enemy

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I remember growing up I used to go to a cafe to play the arcade games. There was a middle aged tramp who would come In and would be given a square meal and a cuppa. It struck me that he spoke very well. I asked the owner what was going on with this guy He told me that he was a very wealthy guy and was a pharmacist For no apparent reason he walked away from everything. I was taken aback then forgot about it. Years later I saw him again in the city centre sitting on a bench. Looking back I now wonder if he saw what was going on turned his back on the world of corruption and greed. Who knows, just thought ide share despite it not being of much help to anyone.

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Dont know. Maybe you are right. It think it dosent matter. But interesting thinking. We are innocent victims. And nobody will pay for this and nobody will help us. Its a disability. More than a simple disability. And we cant prove it. I have no savings. I dont know how will i live without money. Its a crime.

He didn’t sell his decency and soul. I know you’re struggling financially too which must weigh on you even more but believe things may get better u just don’t know your relatively early on in this disease so have every chance to bounce back. Many have.

My state just getting worse. I will not getting better i know that. Thats why i totally hopless. I see clearly i have no chance to live. My family not help me. I cant work. This is the end

There are people in this world who would swap places with u. U still have things to be grateful for start fighting. I can only say so much u have to do the work. Relax and accept where you are. There are many free things that u can do.

Yes. But i will couldnt pay my bills and my food.

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Find a ob with no pressure or interaction deliveries even

I cant work anymore. I have very severe pssd. Its impossible. Thats why i not see any future


If we had money like some other patient communities the community could pay lawyer who specialized in sueing doctors, who didn’t inform their victims about the side effects of dangerous medications. My really criminal minded urologist who handed me out finasteride muster packages just to try once without any warning although I denied before because of sexual activity died on covid. I cannot sue him for this. But I think I had no chance either.

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Not a lawyer… We could pay a hitman. I think its much better.


I realise it’s anger only and I certainly don’t recommend a hitman but quite a few would put in a cap to take out the lovely K. F . What a truly horrific human being he is. The lives lost under his leadership. In retirement now living it up. Given donations to the church to hide his evil.sorry I let myself drop back into the zone I’m trying to be a forgiving person. The higher power will take care of him the mother f

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For you @bsvc, my favourite:-

Once you choose hope anything is possible.

Some people are walking around with full use of their arms and legs and they’re more paralysed than I am.

The great Christopher Reeve.

We should never give up no matter how severe. Push and try to live as best as we can. See every day is a gift instead of more suffering.
Bring a light to someone else’s day even if you can’t feel positive emotions yourself. The selfless gestures/actions we can perform will cost nothing yet will never be forgotten. Making a difference to people’s lives is a rare commodity in today’s society. Everyone can still have a role to play in life.