Insomnia is killing me...please help..what worked for you?

Baclofen helps me a lot with sleep quality, although I use it as sparingly as possible. IME I’ve been able to stay asleep for longer with this, and the quality seems better which is unsurprising considering the literature on the effects of Baclofen on deep sleep.

yeah i read baclofene is successfully used in france in alc withdrawls and theoretically might be helpful in benzo withdrawls too. but its action is on GABAb, like the phenibut ,right? does it increase deep sleep?
because my sleep architekture feels so fucked up from the depression and the zopiclone i look and feel like a zombie.
where did you get yours from?

slight improvement for sleep i get from ashvagandha 2 tablespoons prior to bed. passiflora works well too. ironically monster-energry drinks with a very bad reputation used in the morning improved my sleep.they contain taurin,niacinamid and crucial b vitamins though :slight_smile: valerian root sucked for me and skyrockets my liver enzymes. melatonin improves sleep quality but is it safe in the long run? its controversal whether it reduces testosterone.

So Phenibut acts on GABA-B but also as a gabapentoid, I think the current view is that it’s more similar to Gabapentin/Pregabalin than Baclofen. I think you should give Gabapentin a go, and if that doesn’t help, Baclofen’s worth considering. As I mentioned earlier, according to literature they both increase deep sleep/slow wave sleep. Let us know how you get on, good luck! :slight_smile:

For my experience, stop in taking the poison does help a lot of insomnia. besides, I take some supplements like calcium, zinc and magnesium everyday. I think the most important factor is “you should forget the pressure in work and life”. This can help a lot in sleep. However, I still have joint pain and feel exhaust even stopped in taking the poison. I do think that the side effect is different from different people.

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Yeah. I’m agree with @ohmygod88.
I have stopped the drug about 2 years ago.
At first I couldn’t sleep more than 3-4 hours and I had a lot of interruptions during sleep.
Now I can finally sleep well.
I sleep 9-10 hours every night without interruptions.
At the time I don’t use any particular drugs.

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Hi, are you still using this sleep routine/protocol?
Where do you get your phenibut from? How many milligrams of clonazepam are you taking?