Inositol Warning (Please be careful)

Hallo guys,
Im barely motivating myself to write this down, but i went on, and tried Inositol for 3 days(I found some PSSD succes stories with it, and i was and am desperate)…
I woke up today, with the worst feeling in the world…Its like having a severe cold but without the runny nose…Just severe pain in my whole body, severe brainfof, severe memory loss, severe anxiety and depression…I really didnt believe of crashes after the first one untill now…At the end, it might be just coincidence, but to hell, i was at my 10% functionality baseline for at least 2 months, so why now…
I really hope, i will recover from this, becuz life is now anything but liveable…
Pray for me…

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Really sorry to hear this @silentpain89. it can be hard to see when you’re in a period of worsening but often people will recover within a couple of weeks to where they were from events like this. Please stay strong and rest for now and try to focus on nothing but self care. Thinking of you my friend.


I’m not a religious man but at your request, I just did.

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I should have made this post, sorry man. Because I had the same experience from inositol about two months ago after also reading that some pssd guys recovered from it. My baseline did bounce back in about 1-2 weeks, even though I was scared I ruined myself again. Don’t lose hope.

Someone said inositol is a strong methylator and that’s why it did that, so after my crash I took supplements that removed methyl groups mainly glycine.

I don’t know if this helped me recover more quickly but I did feel better shortly after taking these supplements.

I also took Flush Niacin, but I read that Glycine was a better demethylator than flush niacin.

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For anyone else reading, I would also like to refer you to @Dubya_B’s warning about this. He also may have some input from his experience.

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Stay strong mate I had a similar reaction but these things always pass! I’ve had this reaction to almost everything I’ve tried and it always subsides. Water fasting has helped bring me out the other side more quickly

I was always religious but stopped going to church as an adult, I’ve since returned to God and believe me religion and praying does help! I’ll include you in them tonight

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I used 12-15grams of inositol for a month or two this year with no effects. Hope you get back to feeling better.

What’s the idea behind inositol ? I’ve seen 2 people recovered with inostiol on PSSD forum.

Somebody on Facebook recommend me Myo Inositol because I get yawn attacks during the day that take 20-30 minutes where I have to yawn every 30 seconds. He said Inositol helps with oxygen.

Whatever, I just googled Inositol and its said its an anti androgen or at least it reduces the androgen level ->

Might be not the best for us. Just came off zinc last week, after taking it for 6 weeks on high dose, wich killed my libido fully. Still not recovered. I always had morning wood. But aint have it for weeks now.

Sometimes I feel like taking nothing makes me feel the best.

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Sometimes I feel like taking nothing makes me feel the best.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. I trialled with thousands worth of supplements and still have tons of them piled. About a month ago, I abruptly stopped almost everything and guess what? I’m feeling my best in years. Is it a coincidence? Don’t really care but I’m done experimenting.

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