I don’t know for how long it needs to be taken, but one more important thing is that we don’t know whether we have hypothalamus or pituitary problem.
Also, i got improvements by taking adaptogens like maca and rhodiola. But, i felt them after one pill.
Hypothalamus damage Seems to be involved in many different types of severe insomnia conditions people have.
My hormone levels are now normal naturally though (not low normal, I mean normal normal) even though I still have ed and shitty sleep. If I had hypothalamus damage that was causing me to continue to have these symptoms, could my hypothalamus produce normal levels of that GnRH needed for testosterone production.
In other words is it possible for it to produce normal GnRH (which mine is) but at the same time be damaged in some other way?
I don’t think we have hypothalamus damage.
My blood LH and FSH were very low when I crashed. LH was 1 or 2 and FSH was 3 or 4. Now LH and FSH are both 4 and 5 respectively. I think this is due to continuous use of VitD3. Also another interesting thing is my salivary LH and FSH are higher than the top range. This means something wrong and since I (we) have higher level of free LH and FSH in our body through negative loop our blood values are low.In other words our everything from brain to balls are fine.
I urge everybody who has low LH , FSH and T must test salivary hormone levels too.
Depressedguy, awesome theory! Bryce, thanks for the post. We can’t afford to wait for a solution. All of us put together are the solution. I am glad we’re not alone and we will defeat this crap!
Ya, I would be interested to hear if this works for someone. The website doesn’t say what this supplement specifically does for the hypothalamus.
I agree that PFS could be hypothalamus related somehow.
Heart problems
Obesity and faulty eating habits
Low blood pressure
Disturbances in the water and salt levels in the body
Inability to deal with stress (such as during surgery or infection)
Osteoporosis (thin or fragile bones)
Erection problems
Difficulty during labor
Breastfeeding problems
A decrease in sex response
Early or late puberty
Mood disorders
Sleep disorders
What causes malfunctioning of the hypothalamus?
Various conditions can cause the hypothalamus to malfunction. These include:
Brain surgery
Brain injury
Brain tumors
Cancer therapy (radiation/radiotherapy and chemotherapy)
Anorexia nervosa (nutritional deficiencies in eating disorders)
Infections such as tuberculosis
Brain aneurysm (bulging of blood vessels)
Genetic disorders (Prader-Willi syndrome, Kallmann syndrome, and familial diabetes insipidus)
Inflammatory disease (paraneoplastic syndrome and neurosarcoidosis
Hypo-is-here was suffering just like us after chemotherapy (chemo is also a cause of hypothalamus damage).
More info people after chemotherapy feel like having PFS.
interestingly how she got dried up just like boys. People think pfs is only boys’ issue but brain damage affects boys and girls equally.
hey guys if its hypothalamus damage how can we revert it? to me its like saying a tsunami came and hit a city… the water is all gone but the damage is remains… can the body heal this sort of damage? also if the researc shows how to recover our brain, what will we do after if we experienced fibrosis and penis tissue changes. will there be any research on how to restore penis health ?
Did she recover? I don’t get that from the article. The condition is indeed is pretty much like PFS.
Ironicaly, accutane that started that for me used to be some sort of chemotherapy.
Btw, how can we check if the hypothalamus is damaged? By MRI?
Another case of CNS damage due to Accutane
Since the magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland was reported as normal by the radiology department, the central hypothyroidism of the patient was thought to be related to the medication she was receiving for acne treatment. The isotretinoin was planned to discontinue and levothyroxine was also started for thyroid hormone replacement therapy. By the end of the 2-week levothyroxine treatment, blood hormone levels were determined as st3: 2.95 ng/dl, st4: 0.95 ng/dl and TSH: 1.133 μIU/ml. The patient’s symptoms improved after the levothyroxine treatment.
Before saw palmetto use my TSH was 1.1 or 1.2. After I got sides it went to 0.55. That time I did not have any knowledge of endocrine system and these hormone levels so I did not ask my doctor anything. But now I know he was an idiot. He did not pay attention that why all of a sudden my TSH dropped to 0.55 almost 50% reduction. With the age TSH increases not decreases. So I am sure my TSH damage is also central.
we all know that Accutane, Fin, SP and Metformin cross blood brain barrier. So it is no wonder they destroyed our brain and spine.
Is there anyway to reverse CNS damage ?
Initially like many sufferers here I thought I was having adrenal damage so I joined a forum for adrenal issues. I read many posts there, discussed with patients, exchanged thoughts. Even I came into contact with patients who had their adrenals removed. Soon I realized despite many similarities this was not our issue. Then I joined forums for liver issues as we have many symptoms in common with them but after staying there for some time and seeing there no ex-user of Accutane , Fin or SP in those forums I realized this was not our issue. I also took into account the fact that so far I have not seen any liver cirrhosis from Accutane/fin/SP (but this is not conclusive yet) so I rejected this possibility too. I also thought about HMGCR anti bodies as a possible cause for our issues. Luckily I found a guy whose Endo had thought the same as me and had sent him for tests for HMGCR but test came negative. So after all this investigation I realize that almost all of the hormones coming from brain are bottomed like FSH, LH, Vasopressin, THS (and many others yet to be discovered ). So brain damage looks very possible. This is a very strong theory especially when there are many papers citing hypogonadism after chemotherapy.
well i read article on ED… some regions in the brain with lesions will prevent ED, and other senses from various areas of body, depending where the lesion is. it might be brain lesion, or in the spine somewhere, or locally at penis the neurovascular bundle lesioned… hard to diagnose where, hwo can we start to look? do we need MRI or xray of brain?
Many of the people like me that are experiencing brain fog, headaches, erectile dysfunction and vision problems have inflammation in the brain, particularly in the pituitary gland called Primary Hypophysitis. When inflamed it can cause pressure behind the eyes leading to vision problems, headaches, brainfog, and erectile dysfunction. I think our focus should be on lowering our immune system since this is an autoimmune disorder.
Brain damage scares me. But it doesn’t explain temporary recoveries or windows (I never had any) or why sometimes symptoms develop off of the drug. Right?
I’m convinced that part of the problem is auto immune which triggers inflammation and explains lots of the symptoms and the varying degrees of activity. Ie its up and down throughout the day, headaches 1 minute, blurred vision, sore gums the next etc ,. Why does it fluctuate? Multiple systems feel like they’re under attack. It has to be auto immune. Not one person on here has tried an AI drug to see if it helps manage symptoms. Manage the inflammation and were on to a winner in terms of dampening things down a little but finding the right one is key.
In the case of that autoimmune disorder I didn’t think that was the the test they used though? They developed a special test to test for the enzyme affected in the single condition