I have pudendal nerve damage

Please take Goldsteins diagnosis with a grain of salt. He seems to over exaggerate everyones diagnoses. I received very different reactions from his urologist in the office than him. He approaches his tests from the perspective of “if its not perfect, then you are fucked.” Try to remember that we are prone to believe the words of any doctor who recognizes this as a condition. Hes one of very few. It may be true what he tells you but I guarantee it is made out to be more extreme than it is.

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Have you thought about writing Goldstein to clarify whether he meant temporary neuropathy or irreversible neuropathy? It seems that distinction might not have been made or communicated.

It’s permanent in most cases unfortunately :unamused:


@jrums01 is no longer with us.


Jesus :man_facepalming:t2:


Thats terrible news - had he continued to get worse

Prayers for him and his family

He wasn’t doing good.

What test did they do to confirm inhibited dopamine?

What procedure are they talking about for the spine ?

Jesus did not read this thread in its entirety. I’m sorry man . If it’s true that you are no longer with us I hope you are in a better place and that justice is eventually served here

Cómo has mejorado ? Gracias :pray:t2:

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Yeah I am very curious about this as literally everything for over a year via MRIs, EMGs, all blood work, spinal tap etc was ruled out for me except pudendal nerve damage. One day on finasteride after 1.5 years my dick and balls just became numb, except it extended through to my tailbone, and then into pelvic organs causing urinary retention, difficulty with BM, severe muscle atrophy. What do you think that could possibly be other than pudendal nerve damage? Only symptoms I have ever had were in direct innervation of that nerve and its gotten worse and worse over 15 months.

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I’m really sorry to hear that brother
Unfortunately I’m going through similar circumstances and it’s very rough

How are you coping?

I’m really hoping done of the moderators it just someone who knows ANYTHING can chime in on this issue please

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I am starting at the bottom and trying to use several outlets to accomplish an overarching treatment goal, basically to take the knowledge gleaned from what I have seen work for people online consistently, but mostly that I can integrate and develop through various medical specialists. So, I am seeing a whole health (integrative medicine) doctor to gather bloodwork specifics and establish baselines, an endocrinologist to delve further into the hormonal aspects of it all and ensure achievement and sustained balance, a doctor that is DUTCH test certified to help me interpret what results of that truly indicate and can mean moving forward/ how to achieve these desireable levels and to focus on specific dietary regimens and exercise methods, a physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor therapy, and lastly a neurologist who has a lot of experience in pudendal nerve issues and potentials for understanding underlying neuro-response mechanisms to the integrated treatments to ensure proper feedback and results desired.

I am a pharmacy student and I refuse to live like this for a second longer. I donate to the PFS to move things along, but in the meantime I feel that I have resources to utilize and in turn hope that I find something that works as well as possible for me and to share this with others if so. I research a lot and IMO there is never a better idea than getting multiple perspectives and integrating several synergistic approaches to maximize advances.

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please keep us updated.


All this stuff seriously worries me man

I seem to have gotten rose over the years

My problem started out as less feeling on the outside like tactical touch
but i could feel when i had an erection just by having one

now its like the inside is no feeling as well and im just depressed as ever

i pray to God it can be fixed