LIPID PANEL,STANDARD 12/05/2018 (#745325, Final)
Report Result Ref. Range Units Status Lab
CHOLESTEROL,TOTAL 245 <200 mg/dL High Final TBR
HDL CHOLESTEROL 56 >40 mg/dL Normal Final TBR
CHOLESTEROL/HDL RATIO 4.4 <5.0 calc Normal Final TBR
LDL CHOL, CALCULATED 164 <100 mg/dL High Final TBR
LDL-C is now calculated using the Martin-Hopkins calculation,
which is a validated novel method providing better accuracy
than the Friedewald equation in the estimation of LDL-C.
Martin SS et al. JAMA. 2013; 310(19): 2061-2068
For additional information, please refer to
(This link is being provided for informational/educational
purposes only.)
Desirable range < 100 mg/dL for primary prevention; <70 mg/dL
for patients with CHD or diabetic patients with > or = 2 CHD
risk factors.
TRIGLYCERIDES 127 <150 mg/dL Normal Final TBR
NON HDL CHOLESTEROL 189 <130 mg/dL (calc) High Final TBR
For patients with diabetes plus 1 major ASCVD risk
factor, treating to a non-HDL-C goal of <100 mg/dL
(LDL-C of <70 mg/dL) is considered a therapeutic