How many people don't sweat anymore?

Since my second big crash, I totally stopped sweat. Just a little bit from the armpits.
Is a common side in PFS?


Even by setting the heat to maximum and suffering from the heat, my body will not sweat.

I have lost under arm odor.

I cant sweat either

I get to the point of feeling very over-heated before breaking a sweat. I also lost armpit sweat and BO.

I’ve noticed it takes me longer to sweat then while on finasteride. Could this be related to our body temperature being lower?

I didn’t sweat, then I was sweating lots. Now, I think I sweat more than before the crash, but closer to normal than before.

Since PFS I sweat very easily

I used to have night sweats and crotch puddles in the summer and my grundle sweat really wreaked. Night sweats are completely gone, crotch sweats 90% gone. My junk does not permeate a nasty manly smell anymore.

Body temp hovers at 97.7 degrees. Used to be 98.6

I don’t sweat either. Just a little under armpits like you.