How to treat hypnic jerks (involuntary sleep twitches)?

ı thought my ınsomnıa has gone. But ıt returned today. When ı want to sleep ı have A LOT hypnıc jerks, they dont allow me to sleep. 20 25 tımes ın a nıght. Maybe more. Im sayın the truth. What can ı do for thıs?

I developed these jerks almost 1 year into my PFS. They are disturbing to say the least. In my case, they seem to flare up then fade away. However, I still get them a few nights a week. I will say the severity of mine have really declined over time, to the point now where they are kind of an inconvenience, more than anything. Hang in there, and have faith yours will fade away too.

hi, i have this too! they used to be full blown hypnic jerks 2-3 times a night, ever since i can remember… I dont associate it with finasteride.
then i took amitryptyline 3weeks and these hypnic jerks turned into muscle spasms in hands and fingers, like sleep myoclonus, that wouldn’t let me fall asleep! i thought i was going crazy…they would keep me awake until 6am

so doctor put me on clonazepam for one year and they were controlled.
after the clonazepam year, i dont have so much hypnic jerks like before amytriptyline and my sleep myoclonus is controlled BUT:

  • anticholinergics trigger it
  • I think alcohol has influence too
  • TeCA’s and TCA’s trigger it
  • Some unknown factor which i haven’t found yet trigger it too…i’m not sure if stress/anxiety/depression is a trigger or not,didnte reach any conclusion yet

Sometimes I wake up and in the limbo between sleeping and waking, i get these sleep myoclonies…

For now I’m taking 25mg trazodone a night plus b9+b6+b12, and i don’t know if it’s the traz or the vitamins, but one of the two is keeping both hypnic jerks and other sleep myoclonies away…

I have them too almost every night now. It’s terrifying. They recently started. As I start to drift to sleep I will get this jolt of anxiety and rush of adrenaline and I wake up. It happens during that phase between awake and just starting to fall asleep.

The only way I found around these is Clonazepam. 0.25mg is usually enough and I haven’t developed any tolerance. That’s almost always effective, like 18 out of 20 times.

The other effective thing could be to block receptors known for extrapiramidal Symptoms such as 5ht2a/2C, and possibly muscarinic 3. When I take trazodone or olanzapine it doesnt trigger these

When the alloprrgnanolone mimetic is out it’s definetly worth a shot. I hope that might actually cure this annoying symptom.

For me it showed up after amytriptiline induced parasthesias

Damage to central nervous system…I have them also but usually only lying on my back relaxed…

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For me they occur when I try to rest sitting on a chair, like in a car or on a recliner. As soon as I start getting sleepy these jolt me back up

Yep…Its a nervous system dis order as are a lot of the other symptoms such as headaches, twitching, tinitus anxiety…Was a dude studying neurological medicine on here years back and posted about the dangers of finasteride and the damage it can do to the spinal cord and CNS…

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