High Free Copper Levels

Has anybody tested there free Copper levels. I had my results come back the other day and my copper was 42 Range is 5-25.
Seems like a form of copper toxicity.
Whats your thoughts ?

I am super curious myself. I know that some people donate blood regularly or for medical reasons to bring down iron and such in their blood. That doesn’t fix the cause of course. There is something called the Root Cause Protocol (RPC), which is basically tweaking your hormones and vitamins to ensure your body gets Magnesium. They talk a lot about copper building up etc. I am sorry I actually do not know much about it, but maybe check it out.

I know its pretty rare to have access to a test that directly measures free copper. Where did you get this number? What’s the actual test called and unit of measurement?
This is the most known practical way, and no im not saying anything about Wilson’s disease.

Free Copper Calculator