@accutanedamage @sckylie @crazy_sh @slick2 @AccutaneZombie @yedek1 @Jay1 @Strange @Accutane2020 @Andy
@diablo6666 @Renny @deaglan @Matt7474 @Antoine @vkg1 @futuresurvivor @SaraMine @accutanedamage @Accutaned
@Username2525 @MPHI @Roel @Colinboko @MFN @samuelaccutane @jide @optimistic_kid @Marki87 @Duncan_Macleod
@ryuzaki12 @Perene @Brunner @shg1975 @Calcified @Fire @Bigpoppa10040 @Alex_Jaramillo @Aaron76 @John2
@Goliath @kate220220 @bcm @Antoine7875 @Estelle @stephane1 @stu @Doublecapricorn @SCOTT242 @forgotten_dreams
@sngr23 @Jellyelly @Luckydevil @accutanesufferer2019 @halfthemaniusedtobe @tdo @Ignitethelight @recax @guitarman01 @edrudd
@throwmeinthetrash @apejoeng @GeraltOfRivia @dnastyness1992 @slick1 @User1 @ecantelli @AccAwareness @stealthrunner @Hehehe
Also, would one of the moderators kindly be able to edit the link into the initial post so that it’s clear to people coming in the thread where they need to go? I’m unable to edit it. You could also throw the deadline date in there (2nd Feb 2021)
Yes, the “new” deadline is Feb 2. They didn’t give us much time, but hey, I have 15 min to spare today to fill it out!
Did it!
Hope this will put an end to the damage this poison gave humanity!
Thank you! It is a limited inquiry, but numbers MATTER!