I would like to post my story and say a lot but I don’t have the time to explain yet. So in short I crashed 6 months ago and have similar symptoms to THETIGERSHULL. I have the wrinkled glans; the tissue is not the same character and seems unable to heal/protect itself. In fact most of my bodies skin seems to be progressing in this negative way (wrinkled, thinning, dry) and unable to heal which I suspect is also due to the fact that for 28 years of my life I slept so deeply at night and during naps that I awoke as though a train hit me or in a state of a coma. And then one night I awoke in the middle of the night for no reason and I have not been the same person since; my sleep is shattered. Whatever happens to me at night is not sleep. I lose consciousness for a few hours if I am lucky then go through several hours of sleep where it feels as though I am actually awake. I’m never tired really like before. I have blunted appetite and really blunted thirst but still appetite if food is in front of me. That turned into a symptom rant…BUT really I just wanted to see if someone has experience with this penis irritation so I could maybe stop it before it gets worse. Even though I know the probability is small
*The skin around my urethra, part of it is shinny and red and of different character than the other skin - possible immune reaction (eczema or psoriasis) or simply tissue that looks like a wound healed with a scar.
THE REASON WHY I ASK IS to see if you or anyone has experience getting the damaged or irritated skin to resolve? The urologist and dermatologist both recommend hydrocortizone but am afraid it isn’t working or could be making it worse. ANY EXPERIENCE resolving irritated penis skin?
Again I have many question for the future and would like to share my story as well as get involved but don’t have too much time this moment as I am in medical school (which was stressful when I was health and is very difficult now); but I would like to fight along with others for some type of justification if not cure for this condition - which has taken a piece of my soul currently and I would like to have it back and I will. I am a believer in the logic I have seen on these forums from some people that we are never the same, and I will struggle but overcome this mentally if not physically.
Thank you in advance for any insight or help.