Has anyone with severe PFS ever took finasteride again? What happened

lol . fucking pharma

People have worsened their condition by taking finasteride, stopping and resuming.

I don’t think it would be wise for you to do so.


Saw Palmetto is an EVIL herb! No wonder it was banned in Denmark
IMO this herb should not be sold freely at all!


I was off propecia 3 years before taking it again for another 8 months. I started again at .25 mg a day and then worked my way back up to 1mg a day. My sexual symptoms stayed exactly the same except for penile skin becoming very dry and thin. The second time taking it I also started to get crazy migraines and brain fog that luckily subsided a bit since stopping again. To top things off I still was losing hair while the first time I took the medication it stopped my hair loss and I got regrowth. Would definitely not recommend going back on it.

Let’s not get off topic with saw palmetto here please. I want to hear from people about going back on fin.

I don’t get the continuing to lose hair the second time part. That seems odd to me.

Yes, there have been a few topics on this. I considered it myself but decided against it.

Some people have improved going back on it, but most people have gotten worse. So you could get better, but more likely you’re going to make your symptoms even worse or get new symptoms…


I’m not sure why I still was shedding hair but I mostly restarted it to see if I would reduce any of my sexual symptoms and I can confirm that absolutely nothing changed for the better. I also noticed a major increase in depression and anxiety symptoms so if you suffer from that I would steer clear for this reason as well.

It’s entirely on topic. The experiences of people who have used multiple drugs or substances that inhibit 5ar are completely relevant to your question.


this guy in the first comment - https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/6t6441/finasteride_morning_erections_erectile/




So if you don’t buy the sides of SP, what are you doing here in this forum then?!


aha…so tomatoes too ? :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: I take your point.

Because the buy the sides of propecia and finasteride. It’s a chemical, pharmaceutical grade. Saw palmetto is a herb. Not even close to the same. I took saw palmetto for a long time too and it’s fucking snake oil. Doesn’t do shit in my opinion positive or negative. Fin on the other hand is a totally different beast.

If you had guys with enlarged prostate curing it with saw palmetto pills then I’d believe you.

Alright I read all that stuff. Interesting. I’d be more inclined to experiment but my job is very iffy with that kind of stuff. Need to be mentally alert and I’m starting to feel better now that I’ve quit TRT and adopted a healthier eating plan and stuff like that. Mainly if I got my dick back I could find the motivation to get other things like my body back and stuff.

I just can’t feel mentally foggy again or depressed. So I’m bit scared to try the restart and ween off again.

I’ve cleaned-up and reopened this thread now. I kindly ask everyone to keep every discussion respectful. This is a safe place for everyone who suffers from PFS or related conditions from endocrine disruptors. We all have enough to deal with as a result of our condition. We do not need fights, insults, bullying or any other aggressive behaviour.

So, please treat everyone with kindness even when you disagree fully. If you feel people are derailing a thread, destroying a discussion, are insulting or in any other way breaking the community guidelines, please flag the post for the staff. It is our job to deal with issues like that.

Thank you.

Northern Star