Has anyone had gynecomastia surgery?

I developed some gyno from PFS. It’s not the worst but it causes me a lot of self consciousness.

Can anyone share their experiences?

There was someone before from the Yahoo forum, but I don’t know more than that.

I had a galactorrhea. It is worse than gyno.

Hi @dj91, @RR3, @synetic any chance you guys can get a 23AndMe done? It’d be a big help to our community. We would love for more data to boost our chance of defeating this condition.

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Is there a more ethical company to go with? Wasn’t 23andMe selling data?

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@pete I will do it in the future, kind of need to use my money on other things right now.

I don’t think they straight up sold data, I think they have agreed not to do that. However they did partner with GSK and are sharing data. You might be able to opt out, I haven’t looked into it fully. Then the privacy policies change all the time, like for Facebook, so what you accept today isn’t going to hold in the future. Not sure if the other guys like Ancestry or MyHeritage are any better.

Has anybody tried to treat gyno with drugs and had any success rather than full on surgery? Both approaches have their own risks obviously. Andractim (topical DHT) can supposedly be used to treat gyno. I don’t think its prescribed in the US though.

I tried with Raloxifene. Did help, but nowhere near baseline - which is why I’ll be doing surgery eventually