Griseofulvin PFS interaction?

Hey guys,

I have scalp ringworm and my doctor is prescribing me Griseofulvin, I want to make sure this won’t have an effect on my PFS. I took licorice roof for adrenal issues which made me crash again so I am terrified of putting any other drugs into my body or listening to doctors.

Online I don’t see any interaction with hormones, 5-alpha reductase or DHT so it seems the drug will be okay.

Please let me know!

Some guys have crashed using antifungal creams here before if you search so I don’t know.

I don’t see how it would be a problem but I will do more research. I don’t know how to get rid of the fungus either so I am kind of stuck here, but avoiding another crash is most important.

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I might be wrong, so yeah do more research. But this guy used a “Hydrocortisone cream for a fungal rush” (rash) and I thought it was probably the cream, not sure if it’s the same as Gruseofulvin though.

I think they also use ketoconzale cream as an anti fungal stay the hell away from it it’s a very potent 5ARI

Ya I am staying away from Ketoconzale as that is proven to inhibit DHT, but is the drug I am prescribed an issue?

I see no interaction with DHT or 5-ar.

Everything is have seen shows anti fungals have potential to help here. I think am going to take it as I need to treat this and there is no other way.