Gardasil 'Win'...

No matter how bad you may feel about being a finasteride victim, be glad you’re not a Gardasil victim.

Because if you were, you’d have to contend with Merck forcing the media to retract stories that attempt to expose the dangers of that vaccine: … e-effects/

Meanwhile, do not be silent, do not be intimidated by these greedy cowards.

Post a comment here – on the Wall Street Journal’s website – and let your feeling about Merck be known: … e-effects/

Merck is pushing the FDA, CDC and DOE big time to make Gardasil a required vaccine. Getting rid of all the negative press is imperative to their mission to obtain maximum profits.

Agreed. But that does not mean we have to accept their attempt to establish a fascist regime.

We must stand up and tell the word, “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.”

I have a special place in my heart for the FDA.

I said nothing about accepting it, its just you must realize how evil they are. Just as many corporations and governmental authorities. Western civilization is not centered around humanist ideals, it is centered around economic ideals.

All true.

But don’t forget this newly-minted era we in which we live.

It’s a era where The People brought down the likes of Bill Cosby and Brian Williams.

And all the media conglomerates, attorneys, publicists, talent agents and so on could not do %&$# about it.

If Kenneth C. Frazier thinks he’s too big to fail, he has yet to incur the full wrath of outraged citizens across the world on social media. (Otherwise put, the Vioxx days of bobbing and weaving through a scandal are over. That strategy no longer files.)

It starts one drip, one drop at a time.

And then comes inundation.

So keep dripping, keep dropping.

But do NOT drop out.

Forget Kenneth; that whole company needs to be brought down, it has shown how evil, and corrupt and morally twisted it is, time and time again. It just needs to go, along with many other businesses that care only for their profits. And maybe the government that supports them should be dismantled too…

Agreed. But all that needs to be done legally and one step at a time.

Beating them in court of public opinion is the best way to accomplish this.

That will scare them more than anything, because they KNOW they are guilty. The only way they can keep perpetuating their tactics is to keep everything quiet. Not unlike the Nazis.

But look at how the Nazis wound up.

Legally? There is no such thing as the law, the fact that Merck still exists is enough evidence of that. There is only one law, that is that those with power decide what is illegal and what isn’t.

Can we beat them in court? Right now probably, in a few years with more studies, definitely. They are going to argue that they didn’t know it caused these side effects and therefore shouldn’t be held responsible, they are also going to try to attack the credibility of each plaintiff individually.

It will end up being very similar to every other medication side effects case and maybe a little like the big tobacco cases.

I’ve been told I should have the hpv gardasil vaccination and they made me an appointment. I only just saw this and it’s put me off having it. Do you think it’s not safe?

Really? You are asking if vaxx from M. are safe? Never read what they ate doing in the third world with vaxx? We have been fucked and lied by M.with finasteride and you are asking these questions?
If you get this shot and you get sides, what will you do? With the information today and not twenty years ago, everybody can make a right decision.


I’ve always just gone along with what I’m told by health professionals etc. It’s only since having side affects from Finasteride that I’ve started to question things and I look into what the medicine or vaccination is. I don’t think I’m going to have the vaccination after reading some information, The trouble is am i putting myself at risk of hpv and cancer, but I worry I’m overreacting, and that’s why I have asked for advice.

There is tons of bad press about Gardasil. Based on what I read, I would not get a Gardasil vaccine for myself.


No Vaccine is safe.

Do your own research the truth is out there for anyone who wants to look for it.

Thanks for the input guys. I’m going to cancel the appointment and not have the vaccine.


If you fear having c. because of that, the method of producing fear was successful.
You can beat or control viruses with…your immune system. Where is it? Ah, in the gut. What should you eat to avoid inflammation in the gut? Right - sugar, sweeteners…you should eat bitter things and vegies like carrottes, broccoli…And test your vit.d level. Go over 100. Add K2 and magnesium. Voila.

If you want to know more for your health, pm me.