Future Cure for PAS, PFS and PSSD - Also we need more captial

Haven’t seen any results or useful information from the 15 y/o broscience reservoir at all. No evidence that centuries more would produce anything.

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There’s an abundance of useful information. People crashing on particular substances, observing a complete remission in all symptoms, etc. You cannot possibly discount those accounts as being useless.

I don’t consider people crashing and in many cases worsening their condition because Internet forum rumors claimed this that and the other pill, herb or injection would make them better positive. I consider it more 15 years of false hope, tragedy, and counterproductive misdirection. You can’t even say that any lesson has been learned yet, as if it might be part of a necessary maturation process. Majority of content here is still insanely about the same old pills herbs and injections that never work.


Perhaps we should ban any discussion on therapies in that case, and make sure this forum focuses exclusively on future research and symptom sharing/ reassuring one another.

I’d be happy for it to simply be like that

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I’d go with that @Propaced

It’s not a question of ‘positivity’ - if you want that there are no shortage of places to find a pep talk of some sort. Rather it’s a question of insight. The myriad of substances taken by people is effectively a trial by fire of inputs into the ‘black box’ which is PFS, with the outputs being observed which ultimately provide insight into the unique nature of our condition. For instance, how many conditions are there where people can physiologically deteriorate rapidly with the ingestion of common foods such as liquorice or mushrooms? I’d say very few or none at all.
If you think this information is ‘useless’ and only ‘true research carried out by scientists from scratch’ will lead us to a deeper understanding, you are absolutely mistaken.

By the by, many drugs widely used in modern medicine to treat particular conditions were discovered by accident rather than through deliberate investigation, often without the underlying mechanism of the pathology being fully understood. Depression drugs are a good example.

What we call “understanding” is often just the observation of trial and error.

Metformin is another good example of the drugs you mentioned. They prescribed it to diabetic patients for years, and just recenlty they found out it acts throught microbiome modulation.

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I’ve got an idea! We need to try to keep PFS sufferers safe and encourage them to donate ultimately. Maybe we should delete the thousands of posts of experiences of sufferers over the years, especially those who said they improved with substances taken, as it could mislead other people to experiment. Also any evidence of expensive failed past studies should be removed, as it may deter people from donating to future ones.
Instead we can have two pages. One, with a pinned post of ‘why you should feel better than you are today’ and another with a stock image of two smiling scientists in lab coats with a ‘go fund me’ link.

If anybody says anything negative which can make people feel worse about their condition they should be banned for a month. If anybody mentions what they ate or drank, a two week ban. Vitamins and herbs, make it six weeks. Mention of another forum, indefinite.

Who’s with me?

Yeah, you are right.

We should let new users and people reading the forum experiment with things we know are very risky not because of some uderlying understanding but just “thank” to other users trials, untill we know what PFS is.

Wouldn’t that be smart?

I wasn’t talking about positive psychology, I was talking about positive results. Progress. Saying that people learning that when they take internet rumour treatments they crash and/or become worse off than they were before, and therefore internet rumours produce insight, is circular.

You, my friend, clearly don’t understand the meaning of the term ‘circular’ as you’re misusing it. And you’ve totally missed my point.

So I take it you fully endorse my proposal?

What are you on about? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reasoning

Thanks for the link. Now explain to me how your statement demonstrates something circular.

This isn’t OK.

24 hour ban.

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Right, No money no researches.

Dear all,

please note that this thread has been derailed by a few sock puppets. They have been banned and several posts have been deleted. Everyone else is asked to remain calm and not to escalate this thread into petty fights.


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Please delete everything that doesn’t support research or awareness. Just do it already insted of destroying every conversation.

I can’t stand reading same thing from the same people over and over again, fully supported from moderators.

When people telling other what to do they should definitely lead by example. I’m looking forward for awareness video from @vkg1 !


If we were donated our money which is we spent for supplements, the pfs would be cured at the moment. Nobody wanna donation but they all spend their money on snake oils.


True that