Eye floaters

I thought that awor stated even thought their are statistical differences, it is not enough to explain the symptoms???

Probably because we have atleats one potentially full recovery from this?

I’m not particularly intested in the science behind it, but the if it works for some people then that’s awesome.

All that said.

In relation to eye floaters its probably more possible that it’s hormone/CNS related…

That is a snippit i got from the SE forum. I’ve also read various things similar to this aswell as things about diabetes and inflammation also being potential elements of floaters. It seems there are various reasons.

yep… i noticed mine approximatley 6 months off of propoecia and directly after i was done taking cipro. just one more thing to add to the list.

Just for the record - i too have developed eye floaters since PFS. Don’t believe it to be a coincidence at all.

Guys, are your eye floaters permanent? as in, do you constantly suffer from them? someone give me a description. I occasionally get them.

I’m simply posting this here because I’ve read about it and maybe you guys would find this interesting.


According to that guy, eye floaters are a side effect of sexual exhaustion and a lot of the stuff he talks about is similar to PFS, but yeah, I’m just posting it because it’s similar, don’t take it as some official source or anything like that.

I stopped at the library in my town the other day. I stumbled upon this book when I was looking through new books, It’s called “Body Ecology diet” it’s a diet designed to deal with Candida. I have no opinion about the book, as I have only read about 35 pages and will take it with a grain of salt any way.

Here is a link to the website for the woman who wrote the book. She has a quiz you can take, to show if you have a high likelyhood of having Candida. “Spots in Front of eyes” is listed as a symptom, which sure sounds like a different way of describing “floaters”


Quite a number of members of the forum seem to be complaining of black “floaters” in one or both eyes. I was discussing this earlier today with a friend of mine who is a young South African doctor studying ophthalmology, and she said that it sounded as though it could perhaps be a symptom of something called “diabetic retinopathy” (which, apparently, can if untreated eventually lead to blindness).

See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetic_retinopathy under the heading “Signs and symptoms”, where it refers to “a few specks of blood, or spots, floating in a person’s visual field” as one of the symptoms.

Does anyone know if there’s a link between Propecia and diabetes?

Studies on vision issues related to Finasteride:


I too have developed eye floaters. They are in both eyes, which suggests something systemic. They didn’t appear until 1 year off in my case, AND after experimenting with Levitra (literally the week after trying Levitra).

So… confounding factor.

Also, I suffer from dry eyes.

Just got back from my eye doctor, and I ran the whole thing by him and he thinks that this is NOT due to the medication, rather due to natural degradation (aging). According to him, one of the risk factors for eye floaters is nearsightedness. Nearsighted people have larger eyes, a larger retnal surface area, and a thinner “something” wall…; all of these can increase the probability of floaters.

I have been off fin for little over a month and now I have a bunch of floaters. It is a huge bummer. I am hoping that time will fix it.

Winston, I’ve had every symptom known to man…besides total ED, which is amazing…it came close a few times and got all rubbery and useless, but i could still slap it around enough to get her goin. Anyway, I had the floaters for awhile too and they scared the shit out of me. As in, you think you have MS or brain cancer or something. Mine went away and I haven’t seen one in at least 3 years. I’m on year 6 of this wonderful journey.

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After 6 years, are you better? Whats left that you suffer from, if anything?

Thanks krieg17,

How long after you started getting floaters before you noticed they were gone? I too have all the sides but my junk works fine.


They didn’t last that long for me…shit really scared me though as I really hadn’t discovered I had PFS yet…I mean i had suspicions and was plenty fukked up…but for all i knew i had brain cancer. I think 3-6 months tops. Maybe even less. I’ve had everything known to man so it’s hard to keep track of how long each thing lasted.

Yeah, my junk has always worked…but libido is terrible and sometimes my shit is rubbery and lifeless…but i could still get it to work. I’d trade all my side effects for total ED in a second.

Hi krieg17, how are you doing? In a post you said you have had every symptom know to man with the exception of erectile dysfunction. I am the same. You mentioned it made you feel like you had MS or brain cancer. Below is my current status. Can you please reply with how you are doing and if any of my sides are same/similar to yours? Thank you so much.

My biggest scare is Propecia has given me Parkinson’s disease. I have NOT been diagnosed but do plan on seeing a neurologist. I quit 8 months ago. The twitching in my hands and forearms was really bad and yes was worse as I slept. The type of twitching I had was my hands would suddenly shake for a moment as I slept and my shoulder, lower back, or leg would jolt. Those decreased a lot over time and the shaking hands during sleep is totally gone. Now I am suddenly getting muscle twitches all over my body day and night, and once in a while I get that “pill rolling twitch” that is known as an early sign of Parkinson’s disease and it really scares me. It’s not constant and only happens for a min or two every couple of weeks. My hands and feet hurt like they have arthritis. My forehead gets greasy from time to time as well. I am terrified. My forearms, wrists, and hands always feel weak. So weak that one time my right hand started shaking just holding a beer. Another time my right hand started shaking while I had it leaning against a laptop, below the keyboard.

Other than that I can deal with the rest, my penis functions just fine. In the beginning I had reduced semen but that appears to be better now, even though my wife has had 2 miscarriages since I quit. I did get eye floaters, that really sucks but I can deal with it. Sometimes my eyes get stabbing pains.

The list of things that has happened to me over the last 8 months seems endless. In the beginning I had a very scary situation with my throat. It would start involuntarily swallowing in my sleep. In addition I would start taking a sudden involuntary deep breath during sleep. The swallowing thing went away and the sudden breaths got much less frequent and sever however once in a while as I sleep the involuntary breath will still happen on a lesser scale. At one point when I dried my left ankle after a shower the towel felt like it was ripping off my skin. At one point I had moments of sudden tingling running through my head, down my spine through my feet, itchy skin, I would get hot flashes down my right leg. Those all got better though. In the last 2 months I developed tinnitus (constant ringing in my left ear) but that now is starting to get less, it comes and goes. In the beginning I could not sleep, I would dream non stop and hear song lyrics playing over and over in my head. One time I woke up from a dream where my head felt like it was exploding. I would have light flashes in my closed eyes as I slept. Those have passed as well. However I still dream all night but I sleep well. I feel like it is much easier these days for my arms to “fall asleep” when I sleep. I’ll wake up and my hand will have partial pins and needles that go away if I reposition of shake it off. I can cause my biceps to twitch if I flex them really hard. After I flex, they will twitch for a couple of min. Another thing that comes and goes is I’ll feel like more should be coming out when I take a crap. I don’t feel constipated, but just feels like there should be more. I have high blood pressure and have gained 30-40 pounds cause I am too depressed to work out anymore. I try very hard to remain positive and every time I get a new side I stay positive that it will pass like most all of them have. I tell myself this is just another thing from PFS and I don’t have a deadly disease. Ultimately I am just terrified that I have early onset of Parkinson’s and that’s what terrifies the most. I keep telling myself in 5 years this will all be in the past.

Any response would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much.

My vision got blurred at the same time my ed started it must be around same year that I quit from finasiteride. Every two years I lost vision with extreme blur and distortions but I recovered in a week every time. Last time I got huge floaters I still have them in my left eye I also have low eye pressure on that eye. They told me that it is normal for myopia but my degree was like 3.5 so it should not give me this much of floaters and discomfort.
This may be happens because of methylated 5ar type3 in the eyes.

Did you experience any changes on Clomid? @DHT

Ha. I know some freak out when they see the word Candida, it seems to be a trigger word. Im not going to go there, but I will go here,

There’s Bacteria Living on Your Eyeball, And It Could Be More Important Than We Think

JUNE 2019

When these microbes are out of balance – too many or too few of certain types – eye diseases may emerge.

With a recent study showing bacteria live on the surface of the eye and stimulate protective immunity, scientists are beginning to discover the microbial factors that can be exploited to create innovative therapies for a range of eye disorders like Dry Eye Disease, Sjogren’s Syndrome and corneal scarring.

One day it may be possible to engineer bacteria to treat eye diseases in humans.

In this developing field, there is still much to learn before physicians can begin manipulating the ocular microbiome to fight disease. But one day perhaps rather than just squirting eye drops into your dry eyes, you’ll squirt in a solution with some bacteria that will colonize your eye and secrete the lubricants and other factors your body is missing. Stay tuned.