EDIT: We Did It! ------We only need $40,000 more to begin the most important PFS study yet. PFS Network is matching some donations. Let put our $$$ where our mouths are!

Very nice job everyone. Didn’t expect the last rush to be this quick!


Strange, but I do not have a donation letter in the mail of my account on the forum.

Sorry for the offtopic, but I would like to draw attention to one point in the awareness of the PFS in non-English speaking countries. After I took my first doses of dutasteride, I developed brain fog and depression that disappeared the day after taking dutasteride. Because of my stupidity, I started to search for information about brain fog in Google ONLY in Russian. Of course, there was NO information about the fog in the Russian segment of the Internet. All I found was a Russian dude on an alopecia forum who said in his post that fog and depression are due to the body starting to produce A LOT of DHT in response to taking dutasteride lol. And you need to increase the dosage. I am very sorry that I was so naive, believing him, using dutastride in higher dosage (2 mg and 2.5 mg on few last days) for another week and a half after that, and only then did I stop it.

I fell into this trap of ignorance despite the fact that I initially looked for all the information about dutasteride in the English Wikipedia, translating it through Google translate.

Greater multi-language awareness needed.


Just donated another 100 Euros.

As I write this message, we have heard about the utterly sad news of a dear fellow-sufferer that couldn’t take it anymore because of this condition and is no longer among us.

I am not going to pretend that my neurological symptoms aren’t overpowering me either.
I feel like I am being raped by an invisible beast; I can’t truly stand up, I can 't truly lay down and I can’t truly just sit down and be, figuratively and physically speaking, 24/7.

What can I do? One thing is to keep donating and hope I can cope until there is a solution.

So, please keep donating in the hope that we can avoid any more human losses, or at least less human losses.

A Roman poet once wrote : “He mourns honestly who mourns without witnesses”.

We have mourned honestly for too long. We need witnesses, and those witnesses have to be from the scientific world.


Was able to donate yesterday and also I was able to get my dad to sign up for the recurring €100 monthly donation.


Thanks to everyone’s support in recent days. While Marc’s death is devastating, we have raised over €11,000 in a little over a week.

Total funds raised towards our annual target are now €32,500.


Dear friends.

Thought I would bump this thread and remind everyone that we need to keep donating, it will make further research possible and that is the only way to find a cure.

I just donated 100 Euros again since I always receive my salary at the end of the month.
Hoping more people will follow me and donate before this month is over.

Take care of yourselves and have a nice day/evening wherever you are.


It’s really important. Imagine how different each day would feel if we knew there was a very serious and concerted effort underway to get us out of this. Without such an effort each day is a struggle to survive.


Without such an effort each day is a struggle to survive. Absolutely feel like that.
I’m going to make an attachment to my will to donate an amount from my estate to the PFS network.


I also did my donation on Saturday. Hopefully we are soon be able to collect the new samples. I am so tired of this shit. I really want to see the start of the research. Please guys do us all a favor even though your a mild case or gave up hope completely, it is important for all of us. I want to find peace one day, my soul and body is wasted. Carpe diem - take action right now.


Words of light, my friend.

I am sure some of you guys have read the quarterly updates from PFS Network;

we have raised €51,000 so far this year, our goal is to reach €200,000 for 2022.

In other words, more people need to start donating.

We can do this, all these Covid vaccines were developed so fast because of FUNDS , and that is exactly what we need to find a cure: funds and more funds.

So please, those of you that stopped donating but are in a financial situation where you can donate, please do. It will be crucial.


You make an important point. Things will move as fast as we move. If we had more funding we could be out of this quickly. It all boils down to that.

For comparison, the ADNP syndrome community numbers only 400, yet they raised 2 million and will have solutions to their issue within 3 years. There are 8,000 registered forum members. If just HALF of these forum members contributed 500 euros we’d have 2 million for research. This is excluding friends and family.

There really is no excuse.


4,000 x 500 = 2,000,000 for research.

Overnight. Imagine how we would all feel each knowing this money is working towards a cure.


Not very ethnical, but if we give a special private access to the people that donated to have a live update regarding the progress of the research, maybe this will motivate more people to donate. I’m not suggesting this, but just looking for a way to convince people to donate, maybe a clear roadmap will help.

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Of course we all want transparency when it comes to each step that is taken regarding the progress of the research.

I believe that the guys that are coordinating this research with the scientists are doing their utmost to keep us informed about all that is happening.

Is it a slow process? Well, there is no quick fix to this, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

And that is what some people that maybe are refraining from donating should be aware of:

Research is the ONLY way toward a real solution to our condition.


The irony is those who don’t donate because it will take too long ultimately make our situation drag on much longer than it otherwise should… if they all just pitched in we could actually move quite fast…


That’s an interesting idea.

The challenge is there’s not really much to update on from the lab when research begins. It’s not possible to give a blow by blow update on the daily happenings in the lab unfortunately.


Folks, this part of investment, of fundraising, can be immensely maximized if everyone sends the videos to @erik to show to the presidents of the MOVEMBER foundation. Don’t forget to send your videos. It’s a chance to get real recognition.