Early stages

Sex??? Ha ha ha. That’s the list thing on my mind. Haven’t even thought about it for a year and a half. Takes all my effort to get dressed in a morning.

Doc’s put me on Thyroxine - 50mcg a day.

TSH is 10.6 (0.2 - 6)

Free T4 is 13.5 (10-25)

I’m Hypothyroid. Great.

How did it come to this???

Hey chris,

it´s very sad to read how you doing. High estrogens can make it. I havent seen you labs, but may be a AI can help you.

I am ChrisC.
I suffer from Post Finasteride Syndrome.
I have crippling fatigue.
I have erectile dysfunction.
I have chronic prostatitis.
I have ear pain.
I have horrible tinnitus.
I have dry skin.
I have watery semen.
I have no force in my ejaculate.
I have shrunken testicles.
I have pain in the testicles.
I have a lump in my penis.
I have Peyronie’s Disease.
I have a cold shrunken penis.
I have darkened viens on my penis.
I am so tired.
I have depression.
I have lost body hair.
I have patches of facial hair missing.
I have thinning eyebrows.
I don’t sleep so well.
I have loose stools.
I have digestion problems.
I have dark urine.
I have a thick white coated tongue.
I look like shit.
I have dark circles under my eyes.
I have lost weight.
I don’t deserve this.
I have muscle wastage.
I have aching joints.
I have an underactive thyroid.
I have hormone readings that are all over the place.
I’ve ruined my life.
I have a beautiful wife.
I have a beautiful 5 year old son.
I have ruined their lives.
I’ve ruined everything.
I don’t know what to do.
I cry all the time.
I have friends who think I’m just ‘a bit down’
I’m sick of reading messageboards.
I’m sick of the internet.
I’m sick of doctors’ waiting rooms.
I’m sick of taking tablets.
I’m a million miles from what I was.
I used to love everything I had.
I have piles of unread books and magazines.
I have piles of unlistened to music.
I have lost interest in life.
I’m a broken man.
I’m not nice to be around.
I have a short temper.
I just want to sleep.
I would happily kill doctors and urologists who deny Propecia caused this.
I’m an idiot.
I’ve lost everything.
I’m 43 years old.
I took a drug I didn’t need.
I live in a bubble.
I sometimes dream I’m back to normal.
I had a great social life.
I love my wife and son so much it hurts.
I just want to be normal.
I’m jealous of happy people.
I think about this all the time.
I’m almost amused when people think PFS is not been able to get an erection.
I’d like Merck to admit to a cover up.
I just want to be me again.
I’m so tired.
I’ll die of a broken heart.
I never realised how happy I was.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
I think this is all a bad dream.
I don’t know how I’ve got as far as I had.
I never thought in my wildest dreams I could feels this ill.
I don’t make plans any more.
I made a mistake.
I am ChrisC
I suffer from Post Finasteride Syndrome.

1 Like

Chris, it was nice talking to you during my trip. You called me during my meltdown, talking to you made me feel better. Merck hasn’t heard the last of me, that’s for sure.


I do not think I have ever related to a post more than the one you just made.

Please, do not lose hope.

We all need each other. You are not alone in this and we are here for you.

It can only get better from here. That is a fact.

Just picture it, the future, it is so much brighter for us.

Life will be good again and it will taste sweeter than ever.

Keep fighting. Do not ever give up man. We are here for you.

Can u please show us ur labs including e2 CBC etc.

Thanks all.

Hi Chris,

this is so awfull, what this shit did to us. But please, dont give up! NEVER EVER give up! We can beat this and we will find a cure of this shit!! We dont know, where the faith will bring us. This is also for me the worst that ever could have happen to me, but the only good thing on this, I meet some wonderfull people, that I never would get to know without this shit. I honestly can say, everybody here and most of all the long time PFS guys are more man than others!!! :exclamation:
Many people take their life for less.

I didn’t sleep well last night (I din’t sleep well most nights) thinking about what Fanjeera said about things all being ‘a coincidence’ and we’re blaming all symptoms on Propecia.

It made me question myself and how ill I am compared to how ill others are on here. Maybe there were underlying problems that Propecia brought to the surface. Maybe you’re right Fanjeera, maybe this was my destiny. 40 odd side-effects at the last count - some coincidence.

I don’t know what I’m saying really, just that some of us were smashed by a bulldozer when we crashed and some were merely prodded with a stick.

The really fucked up ones on here know who they are (we are). No smiley icons or lol’s in their posts. Sorry, but if you’ve got full blown PFS, CPPS. Peyronie’s, thyroid condition, crippling fatigue, erection problems, shrunken balls, muscle wastage, a destroyed life etc etc etc etc, you know this wasn’t coincidence.

Anyway I’m done with this forum. I’ve never been a big contributor but have learnt a lot. I’m grateful for the advice and help I’ve been given and wish you all the best with your fight. Thankyou.

You don’t know what you’ve got 'til it’s gone.


I have 1 friend me on this and now I have 32 years I recommend taking 5htp for depression at 3 weeks will feel improvement and so on may take the PFS.

Chris I know exactly what you mean… Some people don’t have it bad at all. I got Soo sick of talking to 22 year old kids on here who just had a little ED and low libido I just started ignoring them. They honestly really are not even in the same realm as guys like us and from your list I’d say you may have it abit worse than I do. At least my depression has faded enough that I’m not suicidal. As far as fanjaeer or whatever his name… I think he’s full of shit but I think a lot of people here are too besides him. I wouldn’t take any info here for fact in any sense. This place is good for brain storming and support but these kids on here are mostly not scientists and medical professionals. I think getting away from the forum maybe good for you for awhile, I didn’t log on here for 5 months and it helped me not think about it for at least a few hours a day. Just check back on the research thread every week or so in case we find something out. Also please don’t kill yourself we are finally making progress brother. PM me I’d like to talk on the phone or through email if you ever get a chance.

Chris my name is Jason and I hope you read this.

8 months ago I was sitting on couch and all of a sudden I couldnt breathe. I was gasping for air. I ended up in hospital and they said everything looked fine it must be Anxiety. I said I dont have anxiety why is this happening. no answer.
Then when I was swallowing food felt like it was getting stuck in my throat. So I stopped eating and started drinking ensures thinking maybe its just irritated and will go away. well 2 days later I became so tired and weak I could not get out of bed. I was in Bed for 8 days and was drinking plenty of fluids and about 4 ensures a day. I end up in the hospital again. This time they tell me nothings wrong with you you havent eaten so thats why your weak and tired. I told them this weak tired feeling is unlike anything I have ever felt. They do nothing send me home. I go to my doctor and tell him whats going on he orders blood tests and sends me to get lungs checked, to a GI doctor(who ends up doing an endoscopy on me because he thinks I had ulcer or other problems which I didnt) I still felt like crap. I was eating again after all those tests but still not feeling right. My sister says to me what about that propecia you were taking are there any side effects. I then go an look and find the my propecia side effects web site and see that I have experienced like 20 of those symptoms and all in the time I was taking the drug but the real life shattering problems didnt start until I quit the drug. exactly 2 weeks after quiting is when the breathing started. then everything else. I went through 2 months of doctors and blood tests and everything came back normal. I felt like I was dying like I had cancer or something. I dont know what cancer feels like but I can imagine,. I began juicing for about 2 months and I noticed that I REALLY FELT GOOD. BETTER THAN I HAD IN A WHILE. I lost alot of weight. and looked better than ever and also felt better than ever and almost every symtom went away exept the occaisional anxious feeling. So Now I think I got my life back. WRONG. 2 months later I start getting dizzy when standing up. I feel like this isnt right. I go back to my doctor and tell him. He says eat more meats and carbs and you will be fine. So I start follwing the doctors advice. No change whatso ever in my condition. I get a really good job and im excited so I go for training and feel like the lightheadedness will subside. now Im away at training and the lightheaded ness is getting worse and worse. I ended up getting really sick and had to come home. I felt like I had the flu so I go back to doctor and tell him how I was feeling. he orders more tests and a few days go by I start to feel better, he gets tests and said everything is normal. Now I go back to new job and same thing starts to happen I feel like im going to pass out. I feel like i have no energy, cannot concentrate, I feel feverish nausious I notice my tongue is white. I come home and go back to doctor and he sends me for mri and some other tests allergy test and cardiogram. I start to feel better and I go. One thing that never left was I felt slight pressure in face almost like sinus and was lightheaded. I keep going to these doctors and for the last 14 days I Have been bed bound. I have had severe headaches where blood vessel in my eyes have gotten red I have sever fatigue that was not getting resolved by sleeping. I was waking up everynight like 4 or 5 times waking up feeling like I havent slept in months! My tongue is white still and blood pressure is up. I began to pee like every half hour so now Im thinking im getting dehyrated and I start to feel worse. Im crying infront of friends and neighbors because noone understands what Im going through. The doctos and even my own SISTER says it all in my head. My sister tells me to stay away from her and her kids because I need help and I have been doing this since January. I wake up everyday praying that I feel better. Ive felt SO ALONE these past few months and Have had everything taken from me. I want my life back. IM SORRY I took that stupid pill. WE ALL MADE A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL! We should of known that vanity is like the biggest sin. Its the world we live in it forces us to feel like we needed to take that pill.

I dont know what to do because my tongue is still white. And I still feel like crap.
CHRIS I dont have 40 side effects like you but I have
Severe Fatigue
White Tongue
Feelings of anxiousness
Severe Headaches
Bloodpressure High for no reason.
Feelings of despair because these symptoms are constant all day all night and I literally feel like I am unable to function.
Ive lost my girlfriend
Ive lost my Job
Im about to loose my car
And My own sister doesnt believe me.
Doctors are starting to ask me if I will go to a shrink and think about disability
They want me to take medicine for Depression and anxiety
I feel like I am no longer the person I used to be.
I have one last series of tests that can prove that there is something physically wrong with me and that is from my Endocrinolgist
That is an Adrenal Panel and Aldosterone Blood test all other blood tests have come back in normal range with her and she is even questioning that there is anything wrong. I had to show her this site and some of the side effects to get her to even send me for an adrenal panel.
I just dont know.
I live on my own and its been a very scary couple of months. I want you to know that I feel exactly what you feel as far as our shared symtoms and about our lives.
I hope your still around the forums and I hope you can maybe message me, I use skype and have spoken to some people on here from skype and its a good way to communicate. Let me know if youd be willing to talk.
Im at the end of my rope as well…

  • Jason

YOu said you were ‘juicing’? Were you using Testosterone without a prescription? Not judging or anything but its important to know exactly what your’e saying. I started testosterone replacement this year in Feb. Started on cream, then went to injectable testosterone and I got the same light headedness when I stood up too fast as you described. If you are still ‘juicing’? It sounds like your estrogen levels are too high which happens when you use testosterone. If you have a prescription ask your doctor to give you cream instead of injectable because if you have PFS then you’re going to need high DHT levels to compensate for your numbed androgen receptors. I know, it’s what I’ve been dealing with for the last 7 months. It’s all about the high DHT, I’m just now at a high enough level to start feeling something again.

chrisc your wrote " I have dark urine". It is not good sign. did you see the doctor?

Anyone know what happened to @ChrisC and @JasonANYC they were both appeared to be in bad shape

Jesus this was 2012. And I walked into this hell in 2021. Why isn’t this on page one, why isn’t this the first thing people see when they come here, why aren’t we warning people what PFS really is.

“I’m almost amused when people think PFS is not been able to get an erection”

Of course they fucking think that, everyone who comes here with limited sides thinks that. They shouldn’t leave still thinking that.


Is this guy still here, how’s he doing, we don’t know… I’ve said it many times but a next of kin / contact list should be compiled. Voluntary inclusion with a data protection wave. We have no idea how many guys recovered, stabilised and learned to live with it or committed suicide