Does Finasteride make caffeine intolerant?

Yes, same here. When I did some research on which plants and spices are all 5ARI to some degree, I would have to stop eating healthy foods at all - and some vitamins and minerals at all. I tried this for 6 weeks and then turned back to normal healthy foods as I didn’t see a lot of difference (I still don’t eat chili - as a believe it gives me sleepless nights and brain fog - but the rest I do). PFS is probably a risk factor for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s, so I decided that it would be stupid not to eat the healthy stuff and protect myself from additional longterm risks.

Caffeine is something I can not touch. It sets me back, adrenals crash.

In addition coffee has a lot of polyphenols. I think some of these may be 5ar inhibitors


Look, I am doing some reasearch. I have been a constant drinker of coffee (not much, 1-2 espresso/day rarely more) for almost all of my life, and now I am 38. Rarely I have passed a day without drinking coffee. A few weeks ago however I stopped coffee completely. Something odd happened.

Since Finasteride use I wasn’t able to dream anymore, or at least to remember that I had dreamed. Dreaming for me was extremely extremely extremely rare and I always had to sleep a lot. Also since Fin, aside a lot of other problems I had a phymosis-like condition, which I wouldn’t define phymosis as it was mostly an inflamation of the skin down there.

As I stopped coffee I have restarted dreaming consistently every night for the last few weeks. Also the phymosis like condition drastically improved, the skin has turned from red to almost normal pink.
Honestly these improvements were unexpected.

So indeed, at least in me, caffeine touches some delicate pathway. I will continue not drinking coffee at this point. This might bring further benefits in terms of re-equilibration.
Also I came across a few articles talking about caffeine hinibiting angiogenesis on models. This should be checked better, but if this is the case also in humans, I don’t think this is a good thing for PFS patiens, that have to deal with a lot of problems that might be related.