Do we have anything to look forward to?

So in total the outlook is pretty much hopeless currently.

Sage might just be smoke and mirrors since we dont know what it does for us and anyways 2021 release means ~ 2025 in reality in a worse case (which is what I am moving forward with when considering timelines)
Demethylation would even have a chance of working if we understood whats happening but we don’t and neither are there studies underway to do so.

You’re asking me as if I’ve used it lmaoo

We will find out soon brother

Actually I think the sage release date is accurate. They’ve been on an accelerated course and have been on point thus far.

And Early next year the progress in terms of finding solutions and funding will be much faster and transparent than it is now. If anything the rocket is about to launch soon

Didn’t mean it like that lol. I was hoping that someone in this thread might understand the science of it and could explain it to me.

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I see. So the thing is, whether it helps any symptom at all is still a guesswork by anyone here from what I’ve read.

It’s just intuitive to see that it can help with the neurological sides

I know people dont like me saying this, but this assessment is correct. @lakehouse, I know you want it to be different, but the chances of anything being discovered that will help us within the next 5 years are below 1%.

Saying it is fine. Reiterating the same bleak sentiment over and over and over and over again in multiple threads is tiring and I’m not sure what it achieves. I certainly don’t think it’s helping; did you say you thought it would contribute to more people donating to the foundation? You ought to re-examine that logic if so.


Not sure why you keep trying to force this opinion on to me.

We both know we don’t agree, stop trying to convince me otherwise and see how things pan out


Lol. I am not forcing anything on you. You just perceive a different viewpoint, and a negative one, as a threat because you are not convinced of your positive spin yourself. I couldnt care less what opinion you hold.

@pvdl would be better you leave this forum when you can only spread pessimism


Actually @pvdl is being realistic about a lot of stuff, despite that from side it looks pesimistic. All that chat here about editing the genes in 10 years mark, it just won’t happen, look at the medicine and at what pace is developing, they can’t fix one osteoarthritis, or osteoporosis what about PFS where the osteoporosis is just one of the sides you can get… Anyway, I hope I will get proved wrong tho!

Maybe wwIII…Then we can all get blown up together and nobody will suffer or their families won’t have to suffer we will all go together quickly…

Give it a rest guys @pvdl @lakehouse . Please keep personal spats off the forum and be midful of the rules regarding civility Removed/edited posts which were completely irrelevant to the discussion of the thread.

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I honestly believe you want someone to come along and tell you everything is going to be alright and that’s not a crime but you have to understand there is people like myself hanging on by a thread and to hear you come up with the same rhetoric is annoying. We won’t have to use CRISPR to edit our genes we just need to find a way to target the genes that have been methylated and demethylate them that’s how we fix this mess. There will be much less resistance to this approach as opposed to editing a gene.

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I agree. If we can’t have answers today, support would be a nice alternative to a near constant dose of “reality” served up in the most depressing of terms. Please consider the community at large. If we must live with this for a while, I’d rather be hopeful in that time rather than despairing.


Spot on.

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“It won’t happen”

According to who? You guys keep saying that but in reality you guys have just as much of an idea as those of us that are optimistic.

hilarious how being pessimistic is forced as being “real”.

Either way, I don’t believe I made any declarative statements, I try my best to show that it’s an opinion of mine.

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Anyone who is pessimistic should be doing everything they can to publicize the surveys or to raise money for study of our syndrome. In a way, pessimism is good, because it’s indicative of absence of illusion that a cure might fall into our laps without anyone doing anything, as if there are fairies that just fly around curing diseases for no reason. A cure can only come after we get research funded. But just going around crying and not doing anything is stupid and counterproductive.

As far as I’m concerned, pessimism is good if accompanied by work to advance the community (I.e., get science funded/started). Likewise optimism. But people sitting around talking instead of doing just ensure we are all screwed.


What is the answer for a thread subject now?

Where can you get sage 217.