That’s fucking horrible that is mate. I’m livid for you. I guess last year when I had every physical test under the sun and was still throwing up intensely ending up in an ambulance every week by your docs logic I would’ve been fine since you know my bloods were in range -.-
A lot of docs are up their own ass man, they’d hate to have a patient from the general public walk in and sit them down about something they don’t know about, something they might contribute to the increase of by prescribing fin and ultimately something they’ll be powerless towards being able to fix it so some of them do the easiest thing which is just dismiss it as not real or not serious the weak spirited pathetic dorks. Imagine refusing to take sick people seriously when you are a doctor, now that makes ME sick.
I hope you find a good doc soon bud no one should have to deal with this shit. It causes fucking deaths, I hope we’re taken serious soon as it’s alluded to in PFS foundation research we are being stigmatized and it will inevitably lead to suicides in my opinion.