Disappointment with doctors

That’s fucking horrible that is mate. I’m livid for you. I guess last year when I had every physical test under the sun and was still throwing up intensely ending up in an ambulance every week by your docs logic I would’ve been fine since you know my bloods were in range -.-

A lot of docs are up their own ass man, they’d hate to have a patient from the general public walk in and sit them down about something they don’t know about, something they might contribute to the increase of by prescribing fin and ultimately something they’ll be powerless towards being able to fix it so some of them do the easiest thing which is just dismiss it as not real or not serious the weak spirited pathetic dorks. Imagine refusing to take sick people seriously when you are a doctor, now that makes ME sick.

I hope you find a good doc soon bud no one should have to deal with this shit. It causes fucking deaths, I hope we’re taken serious soon as it’s alluded to in PFS foundation research we are being stigmatized and it will inevitably lead to suicides in my opinion.


Shit, this speaks to me man

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Just seen a doc. He took a look at my dick for 5 secs and said I don’t need a uro for a doppler and said my dick is fine. Theres definitely something wrong, it feels weird and I was getting pain occasionally. Some tissue already deteriorated. How tf can you look at my dick 2 secs and be like yup no fibrosis etc…

He threw me a script for a cream because he said there’s some redness and then said come back if I don’t get better

No offer of PDE5s and zero acknowledgment that I told him my emotions were gone. He just said come back if I don’t get better because there hasn’t been enough time since coming off finasteride. I said what if I don’t get better and he said the possibilites are endless. Well they’re not are they doc, you can give me viagra and shit and check my in range hormones (self prescribed trt which has always been fine before fin) or attempt to restart my system using nolva/clomid but I bet the differene would be minimal to low dose trt and natty.

I just want a alright libido and a dick that doesn’t feel fuckin 80% on a good day. He asked me what my girlfriend thinks lol my guy thinks I’m getting laid with this sex drive… How can I chase girls if I have no desire to be with them?

I guess my life will become a science experiment of protocols and attempts to get better. I wonder if proviron could help because it seems DHT just isn’t doing shit in my body no more (thick hair, numb dick, white pubes, hair on body going lighter all seems to be lack of DHT)

Probably gonna shell out some money on private specialists because they’ll have to take me seriously but honestly what the fuck can they do. My life is probably ruined. I just hope I can find a doc who will work with me and help get me to a stable level where I can enjoy my life again.

Does anyone have any experience with UK private doctors for this?

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What cream did he give you? If it ends with “azole” I think you should probably not use it from what I understand. Dont get too discouraged yet. Ive had all the symptoms including confirmed fibrosis (mild) and still have periods where Im 100% and im 16 years off propecia.

What is the incentive for doctors to NOT order dopplers? I dont get it. Every uro I saw except Goldstein refused. One even tried to scare me about getting the needles in my dick.

What is the longest youve gone without masturbating during this? Try to go 2 weeks or longer and make sure to not jerk off when you feel pretty good. I think it may reassure you that youre capable of being 100%. The fact is that we are not the only guys who experience this. So many of our symptoms are similar to sexual exhaustion or porn addiction guys. If its true that sexual exhaustion can cause some of our symptoms, then there are almost certainly at least some false positives for PFS in here from guys who happened to take finasteride but are actually suffering from exhaustion or chemical changes in the brain due to porn addiction. I know I may sound like Im beating a dead horse but I always see improvements when I avoid PMO for at least a few days (usually more). My urges get so intense, that its torture to not relieve myself. I always fail but I keep hearing how important it is to get through those moments to fully heal. A lot of these guys have wet dreams during their abstinence after a while. Its def not a well received theory here but it sure as hell cant hurt and is worth a shot. I dont think its beyond the realm of possibility that fin just acted as a catalyst for our problems by throwing our endocrine system out of whack. Dont get discouraged!