Daily Crash, Cortisol Related?

Very sorry to hear that. I see you quit Rogaine in July. Like you said, some natural improvements could be around the corner. Hang in there!

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24 hour cortisol and cortisone were on the lower end but not under range.

Hi MS11,
What you describe is has been one of the defining factors of my PFS presentation - that being it is cyclical in nature. I too have the mini-crashes during the day. The only thing that relieves it is sleep. At the start of a phase the tired foggy feeling starts early and finishes when the sun goes down. As the phase recedes the symptoms diminish earlier in the day until i have a period without a crash event. This has been going on for almost three years now. I also note that when I’m in one of the phases, i have a lot more akathisia (restless legs) of a night. A couple of things can bring it on: 1.topical testosterone, 2. Sildenfil type medications and heat.During a phase my vision, libido and ED are a lot worse too. It may be related to cortisol/ melatonin balance - though i don’t feel tired when symptoms lift - It certainly seems influenced by circadian rhythms though. I also suspect Nitric Oxide and Acetylecholine play a part.
Sadly I’ve not found anything that helps other than time.