Cured after 11 years

I talked about pfs with my doc about 2 months ago. He told me why I dont ask Merck. He told me they do tons of research wich is not accessable for the outside. I told him even if Merck is aware of pfs, they would never communicate it to the outside, it would ruin their product.

What I also wonder is, I think there are way way more pssd sufferer out there than pfs sufferer. I wonder that even there it seems like it’s not even an accepted disease by the pharma.

I am willing to spent cash on research. But we have to organize that shit. Labs etc.


Keep us updated about your hcg protocol , i think it’s an important part of the puzzle , you’re following Joekool’s protocol ?

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PSSD is recognized as a legit condition in europe:

Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction Recognized as Medical Condition

And yeah, many more poeple who take SSRI’s than AA’s like fina/duta so it’s only logically there should be more PSSD victims.

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I believe finasteride must cause a far higher proportion of long term suffers following use after quitting the drug. Makes sense as finasteride is a much stronger direct modulator of androgenic activity than Accutane or SSRIs.

Yeah could be, it’s hard to estimate imo.

Hope PFS will be recognized a serious condition as PSSD in the near future.

In my mind there’s absolutely no doubt it will be recognized within the next few years. There has been way too much evidence mounting in our favour for the last 5 years. I’ve met several Drs now who do not prescribe finasteride at all to young patients anymore. Once a few more mechanistic studies have been published which give weight to a plausible mechanism i.e. epigenetic modifications/receptor desensitization there will be far greater recognition.

A viable treatment will likely be a fair distance more, but at least we will have hope and more information on what finasteride has done to us.


Plz take the survey

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I must say I am pretty much set on the idea of a high dose 8+ week masteron cycle 2-3 months after this if it doesn’t cure me. Need a bit more research on it but to my mind that’d test the “principle” of it; running DHT very high, feel like crap, get a bit of adjustment in the latter weeks, then drop it.

Long way off that yet though.

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Is hcg called pregnyl? It sounds more promising to me.

Yes, pregnyl is the commercial name. Proviron and SERMs (like HCG, clomid,…) are both interesting imo.


HCG has nothing to do with PALs protocol and HCG and Clomid and all those PCT products have been trialed and talked about ad nauseam here an elsewhere.

Why do the moderators continue to let certain users derail threads??

Sometimes I really think that most people here don’t actually want to recover and many resent and sabotage anything new like this successful protocol in unconscious effort to protect their victim status/excuse to sit in basement playing video games instead of facing the world. What explanation is there for every single thread getting dumped to the same old 15 y/o failed shit (TRT/herbs/antidepressants/hCG etc)?

Yeah and self doing a shitty diet and forcing others as guinea pigs…

I agree with your message, this thread should be only about proviron but calling HCG “failed shit” is pure ignorance since it recovered and was part of recovery stories.

This thread is about reversing PFS via a specific protocol devised by a succeeder, not confused and misguided efforts to recover from PFS via hypogonadism treatments that sometimes work for people with hypogonadism and never work for people with PFS.

But you’re wrong HCG did work for people with PFS, of course not all. Not long ago there was someone who recovered with HCG.

Let’s stop going of topic though.

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Given this is a member story thread, it isn’t the appropriate place for wider discussions on what has and hasn’t been tried before, or to log your own experiences with Proviron. Following numerous complaints of derailment, this thread will be closed. If anybody is following what the OP of this thread claims they did and wants to share their results, please make a dedicated thread or post in this existing topic Who is actually doing the 200mg/day proviron cycle?.

If @pal returns and wants to make additional posts to his member thread, it will of course be reopened.