I am not taking Fin , never took Fin but does not mater, all 5 AR inhibitors are the same. oh you are still upset with my remarks about ball zingers? you are absolutely wrong about Hp. There is difference between HP and Allopathy. thousands of people die every year by allopathic meds not by HP. I don’t favor Hp or AP. In some circumstances HP is better and in other AP is good.
Guys, can somebody give me some advice. Lost about 13 pounds of muscle in 3 weeks. Doesn’t seem to be slowing. How do you know when it stops or is there anything you can do to slow it. Has anyone lost all their muscle?
I had my initial crash in 2014. I made a pretty good recovery after a year. Just a month ago I had a stressful month and my sleep problems came back along with muscle loss like my first crash. Has this happened to anyone?
Honestly I tried a few things in the beginning for sleep but got so mad with drugs that just went the natural route. I kept to myself and didn’t do much for 6-8 months. Then slowly got back out there. But honestly, the best thing for me was my faith in Christ. I got back into the word and put my faith in him. I attribute my recovery to him. I didn’t drink smoke or any other bad substances. I ate ok but not great. Then after a year I started to get back to normal.
However, this time feels different. The sleep problem came on similar. A few nights not fired at all. However my muscles have become very soft and lost 10 pounds. This could be something else but I hope it is just another crash.
Good thing you recovered the first time. Since your symptoms are similar and you recovered the first time you might be able to recover a second time.
From what you’re writing the symptoms seem quite mild compared to many of us on the forum.
Did you also have zero libido and severe anhedonia/flat emotions the first time? For how long?
Hey. I had other symptoms that were short lived. But my confidence and hope was shattered for some time. I did have flat emotions. That lasted for awhile, say 10 months. I didn’t even have a libido as I was just worried about my health.
For me, a positive outlook and signs I was improving along with my faith kept me hopeful which helped with the turnaround.