Could we fundraise money to get airtime on a podcast?


I wasn’t saying that I thought the podcasts were a bad idea, sorry if it seemed that way.

As we can’t afford everything, if we can do something for free we should probably do it that way.

At the moment some of the moderators are begining research for a project to be delivered to a scientist who’ll be writing up a report for us that will make it easier for doctors to understand this condition and mean that we’ll be taken more seriously when we do visit a doctor. Exactly the kind of thing I’d expect you to think is really important.

If we could afford to employ a researcher, that would probably be a better way to do it, but we don’t have the money so we’re doing it in our free time.

The podcast could be done for free, with some enthusiasm and free time. There’s no need to throw money at this. That’s all I’m saying.


Valid points made mate :+1:

Any positive steps foward cannot be argued but i do see your points if money wasn’t an object things would progress so much faster.


Any update on re-establishing the PFS podcast ?