“I am not alive; I can’t enjoy anything feeling this ill (reading, watching movies or going somewhere is like doing something with a 42 degree Celsius fever, drugged and drunk). I also want to say that I am not depressed, not even remotely, though I probably should be.”
Phenomenal description of what we feel and experience with our cognitive disorder. Yes, I agree. Now, I realize more so how important it is to describe this illness. Thank you so much and I am deeply sorry you found yourself here friend.
The lawyers (whom I’ve spoke with) are completely clueless and are selling us up the river. They swear it’s a depression we suffer from! Nonsense! This is just an easy way out for them to make the quick buck, because the public/jurors know depression. This is NOT A DEPRESSION like I’ve also stated in my earlier posts. It is exactly as this person has described it. An absolute state of internal cognitive displacement, sedation, amnesia, or a form of chemical lobotomy. The suffering is experienced internally, and is not seen on the outside. Like a state of early dementia/alzheimers. It amazes me how we are able to speak in this state, because the words are not formed in our minds, and seem to come out of an unseen, submerged, underwater cave in our minds. We seem to function internally in our minds like sedated lobotomized automatons, but there is no feeling of sadness or depression, because our ability to feel depressed is erased, because our brain is now “enslaved” to this hellish state. Your right, it feels that we are headed towards a total comatose vegetative state, and the eventual inability to respond to our surroundings or stimuli. The ONLY sickness from propecia use, that can lead to homelessness, disability and unemployment.