
Who has taken it or has experience with it? What happened?

I used to take it sometimes when i trained at gym, quick recovery?

I started taking Colostrum around a week ago.
I have leaky gut and low salivatory IgA. Colostrum is supposed to help both of these problems.

I take my daily dose on an empty stomach, then wait at least two hours before eating anything.
Colostrum needs to be taken on an empty stomach …otherwise it will not work…

Will update this thread in a week from now, as its still early days.

Any update on colostrum usage?

I think you need to get it from this place, otherwise it won’t work:

I had good benefit from Colustrum, then the effects seem to lessen after a couple of weeks.
Did it help me? … yes definitely.
I will probably do another cycle as i have some left.

interesting… thanks man

How much colostrum were you taking? I’m thinking about trying to work my way up to body builder doses. On the soverign site, they say if you have a serious health condition, you can take body builder sized doses. Not sure if I should start of small and work my way up, or just go full in. I purchased the spray too. You can spray the back of your throat with a condensed formula.

I was taking Swanson Ultra ‘High Ig Colustrum’ 40% immunoglobulins
around 3g per day.

I stayed on the recommended dosage for two weeks or three weeks.
I might try increasing the dosage gradually on the next cycle.

I’ve ready some guys have taken 20-30g per day. not sure if that is safe though.

Please keep us posted …

I’m not sure if it is the colostrum or the 5-htp or something else, but I’ve been feeling better over the past couple of days. Brain fog is not quite as severe.

I’ve been using the colostrum throat spray too.

You might want to check out the site. There’s a lot of information there about colostrum. He explains why his colostrum is more effective because the pasteurization process or some sort of process he uses so that stomach acid doesn’t break down the colostrum.

As soon as I started taking it, I could feel that it was doing something in my body. I’m not sure quite what. I definitely felt that something was going on though.

Actually, I’m rethinking colostrum.

Because colostrum strengthens our immune system, this may be a bad thing for us.

PFS is an auto-immune disease. It just is. I don’t need the PFS Foundation to confirm this for me. I know it is.

When we took propecia, we taught our immune system that 5AR enzymes were the “bad guys”. The reason we didn’t feel bad while taking propecia was because propecia was destroying the 5AR enzymes. As soon as we stopped taking the drug, we crashed because we had a surge of 5AR enzymes and our immune system went into over-drive killing 5AR enzymes. Hence the adrenal fatigue issue. Our endocrine and adrenals are in the middle of a war that they can’t win, killing of 5AR enzymes. 5AR enzymes are produced ALL OVER your body. Our endocrine system is exhausted fighting a war it can’t win again our own bodies.

That’s why you’ll feel worse taking colostrum, because you’re telling your exhausted army to hurry up, fight harder.

The one thing I was hoping that colostrum might be able to do, is to re-teach our immune system that 5AR enzymes are NOT the bad guys. Stop attacking them.

That’s the key to solving PFS right there.

How do we re-teach our immune system to stop attacking 5AR enzymes? I don’t know. I know colostrum programs the immune system of newborn cattle, so I was hoping that it might be able to teach our immune system to stop attacking 5AR enzymes, but I couldn’t take it long enough to find out if it could really do this. I took it for 3 days. That was it for me. Eye problems got worse, exhaustion got worse.

This is why I think people should be getting their T and B cells tested.

if you suppress immune sytem you will recover then. dude its wrong idea

You can recover from autoimmune by slowly introducing the thing being attacked in the body. For example, slowly increasing 5 ar so that the immune system does not recognize it as foreign and start attacking it. If you search the web, people are recovered from autoimmune diseases via fixing the gut and paleo diet. Many of the recoveries point to this. Conduits and chi did paleo diet and slowly increasing 5 ar via T boosters. Chi addressed anything that could cause gut inflammation (pathogens, etc.).

You can recover from autoimmune by slowly introducing the thing being attacked in the body. For example, slowly increasing 5 ar so that the immune system does not recognize it as foreign and start attacking it. If you search the web, people are recovered from autoimmune diseases via fixing the gut and paleo diet. Many of the recoveries point to this. Cdnuts and chi did paleo diet and slowly increasing 5 ar via T boosters. Chi addressed anything that could cause gut inflammation (pathogens, etc.). And its likely cdnuts’ numerous fasts reduced inflammation as well. Hopefully the italians will find this. The thing is, is there a way to help the body recover easier because many people are doing paleo etc. but not recovering. … ses-090514

Someone previously posted about synthetic 5 ar enzyme, does this presently exist? Maybe the italians can find a way to slowly administer increasing doses of 5 ar.

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That’s an interesting article. Maybe you could try taking small amounts of sourghum to increase 5AR.

My body is so delicate, I can’t even eat French fries without getting brain fog. I think that’s why I can’t handle sourghum or colostrum. I get really bad brain fog when I take either one. Maybe if I could figure out a way to fix my adrenal fatigue, then I could try this method. It might work.

Have you tried colostrum? Did it give you brain fog?

I’m just curious … if some of you believe that PFS is an auto-immune condition, how can we explain that some recover? Typically, people never recover from auto-immune diseases (Alzheimer’s, Multiple-sclerosis, etc.).

I took colostrum and I had a bad reaction since the first day. Stiff testicles, tense scrotal sac. Maybe I’ll give it another try on a day that I feel better than normal, but I’m not sure.

I believe too PFS is related to the immune system, but the condition is not because the 5AR is unable to do its job: there are people like me who have high DTH, high DHT metabolites like 3α-diol, all while suffering from PFS sexual side effects

Can any one else explain their exlerinces with colostrum? I just bought some but now am hesitant to take it. Has anyone since tried it and felt benefits?

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