Changes in Sexual Orientation

Good Luck with the fast, you could start with less intensity fast in my opinion 7 days is a long road. Anyways I will have 2 questions as I find your case really interesting, we dont have to precipitate into conclusions about the cause of the change in sex and the more manly atributes.

  • Why did you started Lupron and estrogen? What is your dosage?
  • The time you ended taking lupron and estradiol… Did you stop at the same time? Did you felt different while off it?
  • You commented that you are castrated, but at looking straight porn you can have an erection and sexual desire?

Sorry that were more thatn 2 questions.

You took Dutasteride that is not the norm and of course lupron and estradiol is neither. You case is very interesting as there is lot of people that are interested in being more manly and hetero probably :slight_smile:


And other thing dont try to precipitate into new medications etc… it can be dangerous if from panic you start to trying things that you are not sure are the adecuate.

I started Lupron on october 2018. I take 6-8mg estrofem
I first took cypro, in june 2017 then add estradiol in october 2017

Yeah my libido is back since on AA … that confirms that my androgen receptors are upregulated
Yeah my case is interesting, I’m curious what will be the outcome, but I think it will end badly (itchy/eyes/brains/arms/pelvic pain … that must mean something, and in long term is could have some consequences).
I have a friend with prostate cancher, he has no libido for years (didnt took fina or antidepressants) and since he is on lupron+enzalutamide his libido is back … but he’s still gay as fuck. Lucky him lol.

I decided I wont start dutasteride again … I will wait at least 1 year before considering it. I dont like being straight … but I have to find a way to stop the pain first … and even if Im not gay anymore, I will stay with my boyfriend, he accepts me and we have feelings for each others, it matters more.

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Wish you luck I think the first year is soon to make decisions, I have been 9 years with this shit (but getting better and better, but until this year not really improvement), so be patient man, dont try to push hard because you want to get out quick, thats my advice.


Yeah but I dont think being off dutasteride will cure me … because I’m still using an AA. that’s my problem. I hope I’m wrong.
Good luck.

Ei man how are you feeling?

For 4 days … I was gay again and its gone. It’s really weird.

I don’t like to talk about this, because almost nobody believes me, same when I talk about PFS actually.

Man you can trust that I believe you 100%. I had so many change in the sexual activity during pfs that sexual orientation doesnt impress much. There was a study using rats that finasteride change their sexual ortientation in this case was from hetero to homo (passive). Anyways what do you think caused that 4 day window?

I really don’t know. There are cycles maybe.
Some days I feel really bad (headaches, pelvic/scalp/arms/… pain) and others I feel great (1-2/7 days). And I have no explanation. I made a table where I note different things (pain, libido, mental, sexual preferences…) and there is no pattern (4 months, since april 2019). I just want to go back to who/what I was before, and I have no clue how to do that, and nobody can help me.
I’m trying BHB (beta hydroxybutyrate), so change so far. And I really thing there will never be a cure.

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Why are you taking that? Im taking the same compound trying to not silence the gene that encode 5ar2 as last Melcangi study.

How long has it been like that for you? I have a similar pattern of there being good/ bad days which has moved slowly from being almost all bad days to there being more good days.

In general, I think the bad days are getting better and so are the good days, but as you say, the up and downswings are totally unpredictable. I could recently tell when it was all about to get worse when I would have a bad night’s sleep.

I really don’t know why I’m taking that … Some guys were enthusiasts about it, that’s all. I’m totally lost.

Since I started Cypro/Lupron, more than 2 years ago. Before that I had just PFS (brain fog, no libido,…), but I didn’t mind. I wanted to gain more hair and be more feminine, and the real nightmare started.

Yeah it’s totally unpredictable. But for me bad days are worse (pain is worse …). I would like to be able to stop everything, maybe that’s why everything is getting worse, but I cannot. I tried and I don’t want to try again, and I don’t want to be more masculine. I’m crazy.

How long for you ? Do you think you will be cured ? You’re taking something ?

14 months.

I am optimistic that I will gradually get better and better.

I take nothing, I eat fairly healthily but I’m far from eating a special diet. I try to get enough fruit and vegetables and fibre, not so much red meat. I avoid some 5ar inhibitors in foods and would not take any medicine/drugs that have that effect.

What do you mean? What are you taking?

I’m taking Lupron … so I wont get better

I am sorry to hear that. Is a worsening condition common with lupron? Is it safe to stop taking it?

I think I had FPS when taking Finasteride and later Dutasteride. But it got worse after Lupron. Because with normal testosterone my androgen receptors were shutdown, but with low levels of testosterone my androgen receptors are very active.
I stopped AA for 3-4 months, the pain was unbearable and I was having seizures, my parents were very worried, and me too actually. I decided to go back on AA … and I really don’t want to stop AA again, too afraid and don’t want to be more virile. But maybe after some time my androgen receptors would have been shut down too. Sorry for my english.

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Almost sounds like the waves and windows pattern that they believe in at They eventually it leads to recovery. They also say both windows and waves get slightly better and better overtime untill u reach a window that does not stop.

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No improvement after 2 years … always 1-2 days* good, 5-6 bad.
And as time goes I get pain in other places (never had headaches until 5 months ago, same with pelvic)…
But ok … maybe in 30 years I will get better :stuck_out_tongue:p
Thanks for the link

haha yeah i dont believe in it either but its their religion everyone heals with time etc.