Change in gene expression


Dont forget that many of us have complete normal testosterone levels and TRT is no valid treatment of us. TRT may not be the solution because if this treatment is intended to increase production of testosterone, and many of us have normal levels of testosterone and still no libido, then that must not be the way to address our problems.

JC thats exactly what I mean. I agree with you. There is more to it than just TRT. I have a feeling its to do with DHT. Like there is not enough of it or somthing, but then when guys go on T gels which is meant to boost DHT, some dont recover.

Maybe we dont convert T to DHT like we should.

Exactly… I think a change in gene expression is the culprit…but, this is why it’s necessary to get tested for DHT

I agree gene expression seems to be altered thats why hormonal treatments aren’t truly effective. I think we need to stick to fixing our brains/bodies then everything will correct itself. Neurotransmitters are responsible for our hormones not the other way around thats why libido won’t be fixed with testosterone or any other HRT treatment. The brain needs to create everything. Thats why the dude that took GHB got better b/c that targets the brain first to create hormones. I don’t consider someone taking hormone treatments a true recovery unless in their heart of hearts know libido has returned. I can’t say for sure as I never tried it but it might be an imitation of what their libido was. Maybe I am wrong just a gut feeling. We really need to target our neurotransmitters to get to the root of the problem.

I don´t know guys… I just pray to God all this shit is reversible. Changing in gene expression sound like a very definitive and irreversible situation and since some guys (very few, I concede) have fully recovered and since most of us have improved over time I really doubt and hope that change in gene expression is not what happened.

By the way, change in gene expression is the theory of this guy Dr. Lin, hope he is wrong.

I also agree that is not just a T question since many had raised T levels without bringing back libido and erection capability. Maybe the answer is in the brain, a very recognized endo told me a couple of years ago that talking about hormone issues is generally the brain that gets sick. Hopefully the answer lies in getting our neurotransmitters back to normal.

Kudos to op :clap:

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