Came back to give some hope

Hi guys,

Used this forum for many years and tried all sorts including TRT and herbs and as you can imagine 100s of random things. Stopped trying most things a couple of years ago apart from trying to eat healthy and herbs that are good for you generally. But I don’t take herbs very often apart from in my food.

My advice would be the safest route and that is to remain active but not over active. Listen to your body. Rest as well as you can and eat healthy as possible. Good hydration. Casseroles and things like that filled with pepper and ginger and lots of veg etcetera.

After 10 years I can safely say I’ve 98% recovered.

Started happening over the last 2 years ish. With blips of libido and then troughs and then blips again until I finally levelled out and my libido is now consistently very strong. I am 39 years old and I screw my young wife to be daily. Twice daily if I have the time as she seems to quite enjoy the practice :wink:

Only thing that never recovered was I don’t get morning or spontaneous erections. Well, rarely anyway.

Good luck to you all. The body does VERY slowly seem to find homeostatus. Did in my case anyway. But I did come off TRT after 18 months ish and ran pct with no issues. I say no issues as I felt no different before, during or after TRT which included blasting some high amounts of T now and then


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