Calling for Study Participants for First Molecular Level PFS Study EVER ********************


I´m in mail contact with one oft he leading Prof. here in germany in CAIS, PAIS and 5AR deficiency S. He heard of the Problem and want to help us. He wants to discus that issue in his Labmeeting and also with some other expertrs. They do a lot of studys and they dont cost 1.000.000 of $. He may be finds a Student, who wants do write his Dr. work about it. Or in other case we can make a fund? I guess erervbody here send a lot of money for natural sup´s or drugs and many other things. So, why we dont collect money for a cure??? Why we dont dont make this more public? Many here can prove, that this drug did something with us. Even when not so many ppl are activ here, I think It would be easy for a Admin, to write a mail to all members. We all see, Merck still want to sell this drug. Ok, But when the publicity would be more aware of this. (nobody knows, who will be hit by this) If Merck itself will find a cure for this, they still can sell it. So if any of the Merck guys are reading here, think of this!

he should think about coordinating with the italians…

Yes, I told him about it. He is very interested. But how to get contact to awor?

What happend to his studdy? I read they dont have money for it anymore.

[i]“transcriptional activity normalized either after administration of supraphysiologic concentrations of endogenous androgens (e.g., testosterone or dihydrotestosterone, DHT), synthetic androgens (Mibolerone or R1881), or after treatment with frequent pulses (up to every four hours) of physiologic doses of DHT.”

“We hypothesized that AR point mutations localized in the ligand binding domain and associated with normal 3H-DHT Bmax and Kd may be reversible, and proved this by using the new AR HCA technology and conventional assays, such as NC-TDI”[/i]

That’s right, but you are lending further credence to what I said. It is clear that there is no disparity in what we believe. Something will happen and I am doubtful that a mob will form led by Bruce Willis to track Awor down. He doesn’t deserve that, and he isn’t culpable of some great crime here, as many like to imply. The only likely action will be people harming themselves.

Like I said, we both know that people are hinging on this - I know I am, and I don’t plan on waiting around for the next ten years. Again, as I said in my previous post Awor mentioned it would not be an easy road. So what is your bone of contention here: Awor was a little overzealous with some words? If you thought that what he said at any time meant guaranteed salvation, well then, you were a little naïve and overzealous yourself (I don’t intend to be rude). This entire mess is so catastrophic that most doctors don’t want to concede it is even possible.

On the matter of pet theories: Yes, I have been a proponent of the liver theory; everyone here has a theory whether they verbalize it or not. I recommended that people try some tonics, because it did give me some relief. I said that ATRA does store in the liver (and it does); I said there may be something similar at work with other lipophilic molecules, such as Finasteride. This may play a small role, but unlikely to be the root cause. I always thought the problem was with liver metabolism, and I thought the storage component was at work too, to some degree. My first post was not ideal; I was really taken aback at how severely dry Isotretinoin could make one, and I was fixated. I could be way off, but all I have done is offer people a suggestion, not salvation, from my layperson perspective.

I also said that the diuretic effect of Isotretinion and anti-androgens shouldn’t be dismissed as a loss of water from inside the cell when severe enough plays a part in cognitive dissonance, etc., if you consider that water is a cells most constitutive element (I had been reading: “ Your Body’s Many Cries For Water,” by Dr. Batmanghelidj. He was a gastroenterologist). I would lose 3 kilograms of water weight on a daily basis despite drinking copious amounts of water, and at the end of the day fatigue, shrinkage, brain fog, etc. was much worse almost undoubtedly due to cellular dehydration contributing to neurosteroid and neurogenesis inhibition. All of the above is much worse on Isotretinoin as evidenced by the all the deaths. People can’t even get through their courses and go crazy, let alone deal with any amplification brought on by a ‘crash.’

notworthit, please dont post moronic blocks of text in the one thread about an actual medical study. I pomise you nobody cares. Also, since you didnt even take Finasteride maybe you can take your bullshit ideas to a different website altogether?

You can private message him, Im pretty sure he speaks German.

I definitely went off on a tangent there, but I have to question you calling me a moron when you struggle to put a sentence together. You had the audacity to question 19 on his education, when it is clear your cognitive faculties were compromised from the outset of your life.

As Northern Star said, of course Merck and those they will employ who will try to appear unassociated with Merck, will be looking to tear this research apart. So I certainly understand not wanting to show your hand and make sure everything is triple checked before releasing it.

I don’t believe Awor thinks the general focus of the current study is a side effect but is a very general idea of the root cause. Soon I think an undeniable but very general theory of what happened to us will take shape and we’ll finally be able to put to rest the “theories” section which hasn’t gotten us anyplace anyway.

I’m not really tuned into the research community but epigenetics seems to be a vastly growing field of study. Hopefully we’ll be able to market ourselves to several institutions in the coming years or benefit from other studies.

Like BP I don’t have much faith either in the law suits. It’s more a nuisance to Merck that will make the lawyers and those who sent us to the lawyers alot of money and we will wind up with a little of nothing, if anything, spread out over a long term annunity. But I suppose it’s the only protest we have against them.

This thread has been superseded by the following update from Awor regarding 2012 PFS Research initiatives:


In the interest of keeping discussion on topic and easy to digest (ie, not having to read through 30 pages of this current thread for latest research updates), a new thread regarding these initiatives has been created (above link).

Additionally, this current thread has grown far beyond it’s original intention (recruitment of PFS patients for penile skin biopsies) which was valuable at a particular point in time, but which is no longer required.

This current thread will be locked so as to focus discussion on the new thread and current 2012 PFS research initiatives therein.