Bupropion for motivation

tried it 2weeks and mixed resukts. yes,drive and libido went up. but intsomnia,tinnitus and my lowest ever measured T level of 4ng lead me to quit this drug


Chris, any updates ?

Hello, after what time did you feel better libido while taking Welbutrin? greetings

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Hallo, sorry for the late answer. The effect of Zyban/Bupropion began after 2 days. At the moment i am taking 75 mg Zyban and it works pretty good.

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Hey @Chris74

Do you split the tablet in two halfs? In my country there are only Zyban 150mg sustained release tablets available, which should in fact not be divided.

Does it help against your anhedonia / numbed emotions? This are the symptoms which bothers me the most. I am therefore very interested in whether Wellbutrin / Zyban has helped others against these symptoms.

Best regards!

Hallo trego 94, i do split the tablet in two halfs. I know that it is officialy not allowed. But i have to say that 75 mg is almost enough for me. Zyban helps against anhedodina, numbed emotions and low Libido. Please look at my posts before. I wrote there in a detailed way, how Zyban helped me. What i found out is that you have to quit from time to time Zyban for About 1 - 2 month because Zyban looses over the time a bit of effect.


Hey Chris,

sind deine Tabletten auch mit einer Schicht ĂŒberzogen, die eigentlich dafĂŒr sorgen soll, dass der Wirkstoff langsam abgegeben wird? Und das Teilen der Tablette macht trotzdem kein Problem?

Do you know if your t level got back to where it was before taking bupropion?

I’ve been taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg for almost a year. It does help with depression/motivation and the debilitation-level of fatigue, but it’s far from a miracle drug.

When my T was high (on TRT), it was a lot more helpful. It increased libido and erection frequency. But now that I’m off TRT (TTC) and my T is much lower, it has the exact opposite effect. That is not coincidence or placebo effect. Just prior to stopping TRT late last year, my libido and EQ was the best it’s ever been since PFS, followed by the worst it’s ever been. Only change was coming off TRT and my T levels dropping.

So that is something to be aware of - your T levels can determine its effectiveness in the sexual arena. I say “can” because if you have true ED, then it probably won’t help you either way.

Sides also include increased anxiety (worse when T is low), slight tinnitus, and minor effects on coordination (hand writing).

And I have a similar experience with it losing some effectiveness over time. I’m going to give it a 2-month (hopefully permanent) vacation during my upcoming Proviron run.


I took Wellbutrin daily because I was suffering from depression (before PFS)
 Wellbutrin can actually cause trouble sleeping, unless taken in the morning. So it wouldn’t be the first thing I’d recommend to PFS sufferers who suffer from insomnia. It (temporarily) worsens tinnitus and can create emotional bluntedness. It did lighten my deepest depressive episodes.

I have become a bit scared of pharmaceuticals in general after taking Finasteride, but if Wellbutrin actually alleviates sexual symptoms I may try getting back onto it eventually.

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Curious if you’re still using Wellbutrin. At times, the pfs induced depression I have gets debilitating, and I need a way out. Would you recommend it?

i using bupropion for 1,5 months. it help my depression


Why did you choose bupropion? At what dose? 150 or 300?
The only single doctor i visited that knows about pfs said that bupropion used to be quite useful for her patients.

You guys do know that there are cases of PSSD coming from Wellbutrin, right?

Honestly, the best way to fight depression is to make some positive changes in your life step by step. I would not recommend anyone to take any pharmaceutical to fight depression, they are all potentially harmful.

I was on Wellbutrin for a while, it gave me tinnitus, emotional bluntedness/apathy, trouble sleeping, and made my appetite for food even less than it already was. It may cause other adverse side effects that I did not experience. It did help with alleviating my worst depressive episodes though, I must admit. However, in retrospect I really don’t think I absolutely needed Wellbutrin to get through that period, had I known some more of the therapy lessons earlier on.

If you’re decided on taking an anti-depressant, I do think Wellbutrin is a better option than any SSRI at least. I would never recommend those to anyone given the amount of horror stories I hear about those.

If you’re interested in ways to fight your depression without any potentially dangerous pharmaceutical I recommend at least reading my positivity thread. It may be a bit overwhelming but my biggest victories against depression have always been whenever I took a tiny step to change something in my life.


Hallo Tonster, das Zyban ist mit einer Schicht ĂŒberzogen, da es retardiert freigesetzt wird. Ich habe aber diesbezĂŒglich keine Probleme festgestellt. Zwischenzeitlich habe ich auch mal tĂ€glich eine halbe Mysimba eingenommen, da dort zusĂ€tzlich zum Bupropion noch Naloxon enthalten ist, daß im low-dose Bereich ebenfalls die Libido steigern soll. Eine ganze Tablette Mysimba enthĂ€lt 90 mg Bupropion und 8 mg Naloxon. Ich habe auch mit Mysimba sehr gute Erfahrungen gemacht.

Hallo Tomas, did you try Zyban?

Hallo Wintermoon, die von dir beschriebenen Nebenwirkungen wie Schlafstörungen und Appetitminderung sind durch die amphetaminartige Struktur des Bupropions bedingt. Auch ich habe eine leichte Appetitminderung und geringfĂŒgige Schlafstörungen bemerkt. Aber die positiven Effekte des Bupropions haben diese Nachteile bei weitem aufgewogen. Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen es zumindest mal mit Bupropion zu versuchen.

Forgive me I will respond in English
 Ich kann dich verstehen aber mein eigenes Deutsch ist nicht so stark.

I can understand a lot of people will happily accept the side effects I mentioned if it helps them fight their depression.

Like I said before I would still recommend Bupropion over any other antidepressant but I would still regard it as a short-term solution, if possible. Because I ultimately feel that chemicals will only get you so far, and people need to make positive changes in their lives to create a better baseline so they are no longer dependent on pharmaceutical help.

Did Bupropion help me back then when I took for several months at an ever increasing dose? Yes. (I started out with 150mg, then 300mg, then 450mg, then 600mg, but went back to 300 and then tapered off over a couple weeks time). I’m not sure how normal these dosages are, since it was also supposed to help me with my ADHD (it did off and on improve my ability to focus).

However I am very wary of recommending pharmaceuticals to anyone because first of all I am not authorized to do so and second of all because I think it’s usually a quick-and-dirty solution to a problem that deserves more extensive attention. Another thing is that Bupropion needs to build up and taper off over time. It’s not a instant-result pill and you can’t just quit it cold turkey without consulting your psychiatrist.