Brain fog (damage) thread

Read FJ929’s posts over on (all of them). His story is different.

This guy is suffering withdrawal symptoms from the SSRI paxil. He briefly used 5-htp a year ago but it didnt work. If anything it fucked him up even worse: … hp?t=56274

I get the impression he wants people here to experiment on themselves beore he tries it again. Read the post he made TODAY. He is in a terrible state: … post781884

And of course no mention of finasteride. A familiar pattern for those people that join and say they have a cure.

I agree 100% with Oscar. Today I read many posts on different forum ( I should have posted them here) which tell 5HTP itself can cause imptonce or ED besides other sides. Ok I just googled and here you go
Do not take 5-htp as this can have some of the same side effects as the Mirena coil, low sex drive for one.

and this … ounteract/
But I’m getting some very bothersome sexual side effects…

I would say use with caution do more research before taking it. There is a lot on the internet against 5HTP. it is not a silver bullet.

5htp does not cause impotence. It may lower your sex drive while on it or it may raise your sex drive like it did with mine. Once your off this stuff everything goes back to the way it was. Remember 5htp is a natural amino acid in the body. You have it whether you take the supplement or not. Everyone is different. Some people get anxiety from it some people relieve their anxiety from it. FIsh oil can kill your libido as well in certain folks yet are you not going to try that either? Studies show serotonin affects your libido in both a postive or negative manner depending on what your levels are. There are posts on the net about people stating that 5htp helps them with libido as well. … 13700.html

If you really want good accounts of what 5htp can do go to the following site. THey have hundreds of members who use it for anxiety and depression.

It’s main benefit for me was for mood and brain fog although it helped libido as well.

Oscar I am suffering horrible sides form Paxil withdrawal but that has nothing to do with my PFS. Read my story on paxilprogress and you will find that i suffered from brain fog for 11 years that was controlled by diet. That was due to PFS although becuase it hit me a year later I did not know what it was due to. I thought that Propecia had left me with just sexual sides but that’s not the case. Go to paxil progress and read my story and you will find this

"I have suffered from poor concentration, poor memory just typical brain fog after a period of intense stress 12 years ago. This I found was always made worse by eating carbs. Over the years I learned to handle my disability by cutting out certain foods. I was on 10mg of Paxil for over 8 years for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It worked ok and I didn’t really have any side effects from it. Over the past year I had been weening myself down to a smaller dosage. I went from 10 to 7.5 and stayed there for months and then to 5 stayed there for months and eventually 2.5mg. I never experienced any withdrawal symptoms at all at on any drop. At 2.5mg I felt my own natural anxiety increase slightly but nothing I could not handle.

Fast forward to November 2011. I decided to start taking 5htp in addition to my Paxil to see if it would alleviate the small anxiety that I had. My hope was if it did then I could be free of paxil all together. I took 50mg for about 2months and althought it made no difference in my anxiety it cleared for the first time in 12 years my brain fog. I was so happy and excited. I then started to reduce my paxil dosage and I got down to mere crumbs. I started feeling weird and getting tremors and it just got worse. "

yes the paxil withdrawal is a bitch but 5htp cured my pfs brain fog only I didn’t know it was due to pfs. I’m not looking for people to experiment on anything. If anything this proves my story. Just because I am suffering from Paxil withdrawal doesn’t mean 5htp did not cure my pfs fog. Paxil making me sick is irrelevant. Dude it worked for me it’s not a dangerous substance why would I want people to take it for no reason??? Proof is in the pudding. Two members are on it already let’s wait and see what they report.

Just to add to this. I never realized my brain fog was due to Propecia untill i started reading this forum and found others who’s brain fogs were alleviated by diet. Look at my first post on this site

“It wasn’t until recently that I started thinking about Propecia again and then started questioning if there may be a connection. I always remember folks in the yahoo group talking about their brain fogs but I just thought mine was due to my anxiety or something else since I didn’t have brain fog when i first got off propecia but now I am convinced it was due to the propecia.”

In late 99 I took prop for about 3months and it killed my libido and probably made my anxiety worse. A year later during a time of extreme stress I devoloped brain fog. Went to docs for years and they never found anything. Diet made it better and then last year I tried 5htp to see if I could get off of Paxil and use that. It didn’t do anything for my anxiety but blew away my fog. I still didn’t know it was related to prop until weeks ago.

If you want proof my old name on the yahoo support group as gretz99 and I can easily post conversation I had with Henk, Guillermo and others the years I roamed on that forum.

Here are some posts from my old yahoo days. I can understand your skepticism but trust me all I am doing is trying to help people. I wish I had found 5htp years ago.

no it shrunk. Lost over an inch in lenght and alot in girth as well. Now I have peyronies disease. My penis shrunk ( and I swear to go may I be struck dead right now if I’m lying or exagerating) the very first day on propecia. I thought about quitting right there but somehow my stupid ass didn’t becuase I figured it would return to normal once I stopped the meds. My theory is that since DHT is responisble for penile growth during puberty depriving the penis of it can in some individuals shrink it. Once it shrunk scar tissue formed and now I have peyronies disease. That’s my best guess.

From: Josh B []
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 11:13 PM
Subject: RE: [finasteride_side_effects] Quit a month ago…
how long did you take it for? not quite sure what you mean by penis size. are you referring to the fact that it fails to get fully hard or did it actually shink? how is that possible?

Gretz99 wrote:
not to scare you but I quit about 5 years ago. I regained most of my libido back after about a year or so. My ejaculation volume, shooting ablity and penis size never returned to normal.

From: Josh B []
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 7:31 PM
Subject: RE: [finasteride_side_effects] Quit a month ago…
What was your experience quitting? (or did you)

Gretz99 <> wrote:
don’t panic yet give it some time a few more months at least

From: downtowndude04 []
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 1:39 AM
Subject: [finasteride_side_effects] Quit a month ago…

Still have the side effects:

soft erection
dimished libido

Was on Propecia for 2 years. Should I be panicking or be more
pacient? I quit on New Years. How long does it usually take to
wear off?


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The effect of 5htp on libido will vary greatly from individual to individual. CHeck out this site that did a poll. Half found it increased the other half say it decreased. For me it deffentley increased but it took about a month. … 644&page=1

View Poll Results: What effect did 5-HTP / Tryptophan have on your libido / erections ?

Positive Effect / Increased Libido / Erections
59	27.44%

Negative Effect / Decreased Libido / Erections
59	27.44%

No Effect / No change of Libido / Erections
97	45.12%

I don’t even know how to respond. Nearly Every side effect listed I have. I’ll try to explain some of my cognitive impairment. I was in management for 15 years. My ability to process information without “multi-tasking” has become nearly impossible. brain damage has got to be the most accurate term ive heard yet. I’m an intelligent person, I was always in the upper gpa in college, nominated for Whos who of college students. I returned back to school after being FIRED from my job. I was the “dumb” guy in class because I had trouble processing simple things. (I now work with alot of these guys I attended school with and we tend to joke about it…not so funny.) Things had to be dissected down for me (20 minutes and I’m still trying to write this?) My mind wanders alot, I have to relearn the same thing several times and I know that it just IS NOT RIGHT! BUT I’M TRAPPED! My wife…I don’t even know if i can fix what this terrible DRUG has done to my marriage. How the HELL do I get my life back?

Alot of guys on this board have been helped by diet. For me I went hardcore and removed almost all carbs basically I would eat meats, chicken, fish and vegetables alot of eggs etc. It did wonders for my fog and allowed me to have a life again. Over the years I went a bit less hardcore and found that my condition continued to improve. Try a hardcore diet modification and see what it does. For me it took a couple of weeks to start feeling better. If it works for you then you can perhaps try 5htp which blew my fog away and I felt normal for the first time in 12 years.

Yes i have a real feeling of being trapped. I forget about my ed alot of the time, but there is no chance of getting away from this, not even for a second.

Agree with both of you. It is a feeling of being trapped in a damaged new mind. You are not the same person you were before the drug. I feel the same exact way.

From what I’ve read, it is like the phenomenon of traumatic brain injury survivors, in that they also report feeling trapped in a damaged new mind, and world, that they know is forever changed. Life suddenly, becomes a real struggle to survive and function day to day mentally. A kind of chemical lobotomy.

Something that really moved me, and we can all relate to. With us all it took was a pink pill, but with this poor fella’ a car accident… … ure=relmfu

I have posted about the worsening of my extreme brain symptoms and symptoms of darkened/dimmed vision here:

Worsening of Severe Brain symptoms and Dark/Dimmed Vision:

guys, i need help for god sake. my brain fog … like i live a hell. please advise reduce this. i am going to kill myself otherwise. please help. please. please understand me. i have pfs since 4,01,2014. i cant take it anymore. my anxiety and depression… how i escape this hell. i beg you. any drugs. medication. just please advise. i cant read all of post. my brain dont allow me . please someone type evertyhing this brain fog. my pshiciyatr going to give me antideprassent. he doesnt belive me . if i take the antideprassent everyhinhs may get worse. i am scared. i m too young to die.i live in turkey. who can help me??

please calm down and let the time help you to improve. I have all horrible mental side effects now like you. I am sure all of us with mental side effects will be well in near future. suicide don’t solve any problem. believe me and try light exercise, healthy diet and avoid any antidepressant and other types of drugs in this period. your body is fighting against side effects now and hormones need time to return to normal should assist you body in this issue

Do intermittent fasting with an eating window of 4 to 6 hours a day. This means that you will have 4 to 6 hours to eat during the day, and outside that window you can only take things that don’t contain calories or almost no calories, like coffee or tea for instance. Coffee is great to help you go through the fasting period (my eating window is in the afternoon-night). If it makes you tensed and gives you insomnia, take apple cider vinegar, preferably from Braggs as some brands are not worth shit and won’t do anything for you. In my case, coffee and green tea do make me feel a lot stronger and helps a lot with brain fog. Just don’t get carried away and begin with a little cup and then try to find the amount that’s right for you.

I’m experiencing with cordyceps right now and getting very surprising results from it. If you can get your hand on the stuff, try it. I feel I have a bit more of my mind back and speaking is a lot easier than before. It gives energy but also helps you with sleep. I even began to do the methylation protocol again. Tried to do it before, but I could never fall asleep at night when I was taking the supplements during the day. It’s not a problem anymore since I’m taking cordyceps. The methylation protocol is also something you should begin.

1 Like

good news guys, my brain fog ıs better, for now. I do not fasting but ı drınk a lot of juıce, 2 lıter per day. Today ım better. But ı am sufferıng baaad baaad ınsomnıa, dıd you experience thıs weird feeling? When ı fall ın sleep, my conscıousnees doesnt swıtch off, ı cant feel my hands, foots, but ı can hear everythıng. What does thıs mean?

Phenibut completely eliminated my brain fog. But sadly it’s only temporary as you build up a tolerance to it pretty quick and it has its own host of issues. Currently I’m just enjoying the time I have with it. Another clue to solving the PFS riddle, though, for sure. I’d recommend it if only to remind you what it’s like to be normal again for a week. Put a new fire under my ass about finding a cure after I had largely given up. Just be careful because it’s highly addictive and phenibut withdrawel will kick your ass just as hard as PFS in its own way.

ıs there any supplement for braln fog, im so bad, someone help me please
vlt d ?
Fish oıl ?
B 12
advıce any useful stuff. Please
ım sprıntıng and dont take carb, ım eatıng fısh meat vegetable and fruıt?
Is there anythıng ım doın wrong?
Fuıts ınclude sugar? Should ı stop eat fruıt?

yes i do believe the sugar is not good for you. fruit has always been something i cannot handle well with PFS.