Big recovery…then disappointment


Ok so everything I summarized is correct with the exception of the fact that you also got constipation with your PFS. And the Prozac also cured 70 percent of the constipation while on it. And the constipation also returned to baseline 6 weeks after coming off the Prozac. The Prozac also helped with psoriasis while on it .

Ok so that’s me, another user and you who all get improvements in the constipation by either inhibiting serotonins reuptake in the brain which I think means makes serotonin hang around longer in the brain to agonize the serotonin receptors or by increasing overall serotonin production in the gut

Some PFS people have got worse by Prozac and by taking the amino acids and co factors to increase general serotonin production . This is why we need to figure out why. Would me, you and the other user user who all benefit to some degree from increasing serotonin all show low serotonin on the urine neurotransmitter test ? I show low serotonin in my urine on that test. I increased urine serotonin confirmed on a follow up test and all my constipation went away. Increasing the urine serotonin like you did not cure or drastically help my sexual sides. I get all the sexual sides. I think it may be another neurotransmitter for the sexual sides

Did you get insomnia with your PFS?

We need patterns. Some A plus B equals C type shit.


Ok so just to recap

You took fin and got PFS. You did not get constipation or digestive issues . You got some of the sexual sides. Your sexual sides that you got are numbness (AKA loss of sensation), cold feeling in genitals, Reduction in ability to achieve and maintain erections, shrinkage when flaccid and ball pain. You did not get reduction in orgasm or reduction in ejaculation quality and quantity with your PFS

You took Prozac (I don’t know for how long please specify) and you “gradually” noticed “while you went” that you experienced major improvements in all of your sexual sides to include major improvements in the loss of sensation, cold feeling in genitals, the reduction in ability to achieve and maintain erections, the ball pain and the shrinkage while flaccid. These improvements were mostly noticed over the last month in a relationship with this new girl.

Friends talked you out of taking the Prozac. You stopped taking it (I don’t know how long ago you stopped taking it please specify) and you went back to baseline in all of the things you got major improvements in discussed above in this post .

Please tell me if I’m right and if I’m wrong please correct where I’m wrong

You did not get insomnia, cognitive issues or brain fog with your PFS right ?

SSRI affect so much more than just the brain.

Read this (mice) study.

Prozac is shown to decrease serotonin promoting bacteria in the gut. In mice without this bacteria it reduced their gastrointestinal tract by up to 50%.

This would in theory lead to increased constipation.

With that said I’m just going to stop replaying to any thread you’re in because your attitude is utter shit. :joy:


That’s mostly correct yeah.

I took Fin for 8 months, got PFS which I’ve had since (coming up for 2 years at this point). I’ve gotten pretty bad sexual sides like all the ones you stayed, though I did also have watery ejaculate and less intense orgasms, I neglected to mention them as they’re less noticeable.

I’ve also struggled with fatigue, muscle and joint pain and sleeping difficulties, though again I guess as they’re less embarrassing (for me personally anyway), I can live with them to some degree.

I started taking Prozac around mid August of last year, and didn’t really notice a difference in side effects in my day to day life, the pains were still there, the tiredness were still there, but I suppose I cared about them less as I was single and not sexually active.

It’s only been a month since I’ve had this new sexual relationship, and (while not like pre-fin me) I’ve had little difficulty with having sex and in enjoyment of sex. It’s important to say though that most of my other symptoms have remained, even at that good point, however the ability to have sex with little anxiety gave me a big boost of self confidence, and I felt generally better as a result.

At the time, I didn’t make much of a connection to my improvement and SSRI’s, as if anything I believed they’d be more of a hindrance to improving than the other way round.

About 3 weeks ago I stopped taking Prozac essentially cold turkey, my friend told me it’d probably help in some way.

Since then things were fine, till a couple of days ago where ability to have sex, my libido and concentration have diminished

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Also in fairness to everyone (and admittedly me being a bit self centred :joy:), I’m happy for anyone to contribute any info or data they like on this (can’t guarantee you I’ll understand much of it though haha), as I’m seeking any answers and options available.

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You are taking this out of context
It’s about trying to stay organized. I get that you are presenting a mechanism that in theory could mean that taking Prozac could cause constipation

But that does not change the facts. That two people in this thread me being one of them increased serotonin in one way or the other and got relief in constipation . A common theme on this site is that it’s so hard to pull useful info from threads because 90 percent of the responses are just filler irrelevant stuff. All that matters is who took what equals what as far as the impact on the persons PFS sides . So our exchange is useless. I won’t be responding to you and I’ll delete this response . Please delete yours and keep the guys thread clean

Also as stated before, I don’t know if I’m just struggling because of the initial withdrawals, or if this is me returning to my permanent state that Prozac was somehow keeping me off

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So you got all the sexual sides except that some of them are less noticeable then others.

Other then you ending up in a situation where over the last month while on Prozac that you were having little difficulty with having sex and enjoyment of sex did you also see improvements in any of the specific sexual sides you mentioned over the last month as well while on the Prozac ?

Over the last month while still on the Prozac did your sleep quality improve ?

And you never got the constipation right ?

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Yeah that’s right.

I suppose other symptoms lessened too to some extent, the last couple of days since things have worsened again, I feel a greater discomfort in my genitals than more recently. That could be psychological maybe, but it’s worth mentioning.

My sleep is probably worse on Prozac, but tbh I’ve struggled with sleep issues as far as I can remember so not much has changed there
Yeah that’s right, I haven’t had constipation before or after Prozac



So when I increase general serotonin production with L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP and B6 my constipation (which you don’t get) gets better and my sleep gets slightly worse !

Also when I ever I come off L-Tryptophan,
5-HTP and B6 and my serotonin levels drop my constipation comes back worse then it was previously

Yourself and @danielpaul should get the urine neurotransmitter test . I want to see if you both have low urine serotonin. I want to know if it’s those of us who have low amounts of serotonin in the urine that don’t get worse from increasing it with a SSRI or with L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP and b6 but instead get some improvements . You can order it here if you are willing to do it

You pee on 4 strips through out the course of the day and send ZRT lab the strips. As long as you don’t live in MD, CA or NY you can order it

I wouldnt be able to do this test as I am back on prozac now anyway

What is your Doctor’s reasoning when he put you on Prozac?

If I ever were to try antidepressants I’d want to try either Agomelatin or Mirtazapine first.

Is he/she just prescribing Prozac by default or did the Doctor look into your syntoms and decided it would be most beneficial?

Based on the low mood and low energy I was suffering

I understand. Since it worked for you before I’m hoping it will work again so you’ll feel better.

It’s just reading the pharmacology of these different antidepressants I’d guess the ones I’ve mentioned would be more beneficial from a PFS standpoint.

I’m not a doctor though, but I’ve been reading/researching SSRI papers for years since someone close to me on Sertraline.

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Does Proazac work for you?

well when I was on it i was living life again
Excelling in my career, holidaying around the world, active and playing sports
Only thing that didnt improve was weak erections


You said you’re back on Prozac now, am I right?

Are you still experiencing the same positive effects?

Ive only been back on 2 weeks after a few months off…no they dont seem to have kicked in yet

As an update. I haven’t started taking Prozac again yet, as I’m currently Covid positive.
My sexual symptoms are currently at their worst, I don’t even get morning/nocturnal erections, which I never lost before. I’m hoping this is in part to do with me being ill right now. But I absolutely can’t deal with things going any worse than they are now