Legendary- below is outlined what I feel is happening.
ok, please pass this on to him. My theory is based on prior finasteride tests in which they purposefully use Finasteride to destroy progesterone in cells, to lower allopregenalone concentrations in the brain. Below are just a few of the studies using finasteride.
I believe this is entirely neurological. Finasteride has caused an imbalance at the progesterone receptor in favor of estrogen in the brain. I have all the symptoms of Estrogen dominance (aka Low progesterone, aka un-opposed estrogen) including the most obscure such as GERD, bloating, thin skin, red irritated cuticles, and even Estachian Tube Dysfunction where I get ringing and muffled hearing which cycles every 3-4 weeks (yes like a fucking pregnant woman) Also, while I was on finasteride (took it for 9 years with no noticeable symptoms until I stopped) I was on a boat for 2 weeks. When I got off the cruise ship I felt the rocking sensation of the boat for months and months, it was horrible. It is called Mal De Debarquement and usually 95% of the times affects women in their late 40’s. There is no known cure for it and at one time they believed that it was an inner ear disorder or balance disorder, however current science based on the fact that mostly middle aged women are affected by this are looking at neural/hormonal problems, and research is under way based on a theory that there is an imbalance of progesterone to estrogen in the brain. So why are we affected? I believe that potentially EVERYONE is affected by this, even as minimally as men loosing nightime and AM erections and or erotic dreams while on it, until stopping. Those more severly affected may have lower concentrations of progesterone in the brain. Progesterone is supposedly a very calming/anti-anxiety hormone and it is very clear most men on this site, including myself, were all very anxious individuals before finasteride. Potentially this imabalnce can occur after the first pill or after years when suddenly the balance either way is affected. Here are two very very interesting things about our condition. Many people have reported, myself included that alcohol often times gives us a spike in libido and sexual function. It is known that alcohol can increase progesterone and allo in the brain. In fact, this month has been my best month dealing with this syndrome and I have been drinking a lot of vodka. Finally, many people reported that they got spontaneous and strong erections while flying. Well research shows that plasma levels of progesterone rise during high altitudes, and how high is the altitude when you are in a plane! I am very close to trying low dose prozac at 2mg to try to increase brain levels of allopregenalone. I think the receptors are not working properly which is leading to downregulated dopamine receptors, lower testosterone, poor gene expression, lower libido, fatigue, thyroid and adrenal problems etc