Baylor study questions

I think the patients charged $2000 dollars for the study and the foundation should be given their money back so we can have a study with people who actually are willing to give information.

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Two of them are now dead. This is significant and should not be forgotten. These people put not just their money but their last hopes in this study.


I agree with Sebileo completely…I think something here to guys is this is forefront of technology…It is quite possible that the tools and technology are not there yet to see it…With Such a small sample size and its beginning to look as if the resources and technology does not exist yet to solve it…

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no one is sitting around

there are plans to :

  1. get funding so that we can
  2. conduct studies on other angles in PFS

you just dont like it because those other “angles” dont happen to be the ones that you agree with

No one will tell you, please stop giving me money :wink:

The technology might not even exist to study this. It’s likely biochemical and at a receptor level. Not easy to study.
And how long do you think all this will take anyway?

the people who’ve made the decisions to look in that area, have consulted with scientists before making the choice.

im deciding to trust them. as for “how long” – not a question for me

How much does it cost to fund such a study?

So, is Baylor study definitely stopped? If not, would the PFS will know and published if the study is stopped?

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Cuando se publica el estudio???

Nadie sabe. El estudio empezo hace seis anos, y desde entonces no lo han publicado. Supuestamente, el estudio ya esta terminado y lo entregaron para que se publique, pero nadie sabe la verdad entera.

Mohit khera told me today that it’s been accepted for publication and will be out within 2 weeks.


Here we go again…

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Straight from Khera about 30 mins ago…

“Already accepted for publication. I expect the EPUB version to be out in the next couple weeks”.

Mohit Khera, MD


Do you know if the plan is still for a two part release?

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The abstract of one study from them is already available online

Hopefully, Khera is saying the genome expression analysis is to publish soon


Thanks man. Interesting stuff.

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This appears to be a summary of Khera’s presentation from the SMSNA conference last year. It’s published in a supplement to a Journal of Sexual Medicine issue.

We’ll have to wait to see what they end up publishing. I don’t think this is part one of their study because it doesn’t appear to be peer-reviewed and its not even a full page. You can see the conclusion by looking at the next section (#125).

Yes, I think I may have used too strong a word in “published”. The abstract of that publication has been available online since September 2019

Axolotl gave some clarity over the “two part” confusion here


sorry, im super tired right now and confused

so neither part 1 or 2 are published, but we hope that the full thing gets published in the next few weeks?

thanks a lot