Baylor study delayed again

It’s honestly best for you (and all those who are disappointed) to move on and focus on putting as many irons in the fire as you can. The prospects of new opportunities will help give you a little energy to keep going. If and when the Khera study is published, it will just be a pleasant surprised. Not the best use of energy to focus on a study that is completely out of your control when there are efforts that could be more productive.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know exactly what you’re offering.
What do we need to do to start additional research?

If you haven’t filled the survey out, stop reading this topic and fill the survey out. It is likely the most important thing you will do today to fight PFS.

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@awor has already closed another identical topic for good reason, and this has certainly run it’s course. There is no meaningful discussion happening in this thread. We are all awaiting the results, but using a thread about Baylor to just vent personal optimism or pessimism regarding understanding of the condition is producing a messy and confusing topic, in which users are clearly becoming confused between what is news regarding this specific study and what is either a member just pulling things out of the air or heard-it-on-the-grapevine rumor. The same users posting the same thing over and over, mostly completely irrespective of the study or it’s methodology, is not a coherent topic. If you feel there is a specific point of discussion you want to pursue in this messy thread, please start a separate thread.

When Baylor publishes a topic will be made in the science category and the actual publication can then be effectively discussed. Until then, this topic readily demonstrates that there’s clearly nothing to add and will be closed.

Please use the time to participate in the projects we are working so hard to bring to fruition. Hopefully, in conjunction with Baylor’s long awaited findings, they will lay the groundwork for future research efforts which we will of course seek to organise, as the administrators of have always done in the past.